Agostino Ferrari

Agostino Ferrari was born in Milan in 1938. Attracted since childhood by the art world, at twenty-one he decided to devote himself completely to it and in 1961, with works still linked to a naturalistic sphere, he inaugurated his first solo show at the Pater gallery (Milan ).
In 1962 with the artists Vermi, Verga, Sordini and La Pietra, he gave life to the Cenobio Group which, despite being short-lived, was a founding experience for Ferrari: here began the research on the Sign that characterizes all of his work.
In fact, over the years the Sign has been declined and investigated in many ways: from an initial scriptural stroke it becomes more plastic, to then become physical, entering into a relationship with the surface of the painting and emerging from it (Teatro del Segno); it then transforms into form and interacts with color and the psyche, finally freeing itself from superstructures and expressing itself in its totality.
There have been numerous national and international exhibitions since the 1970s. Agostino Ferrari lives and works in Milan.

Last update: December 05, 2021

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