Daniela Rancati

Daniela Rancati (Milan, 1951). You live and work in Milan.
She is a sculptor and an all-round artist, she exhibits since 1973; realizes his first solo show in Milan, in 1979. After completing his artistic studies, his artistic training develops thanks to the guidance of the sculptor Ettore Calvelli: these are the years of research on materials, of learning various sculptural techniques such as ceramics, casting, woodworking and plastics, and the SPACE-MATERIAL relationship. In 1997 she was invited to present a solo exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of Milan, as part of the exhibition: "ISIS a contemporary myth". In recent years, her research has focused on the "why" of sculpture in relation to the evolution and involution of Man in his becoming. Numerous solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Germany and France increase her reputation as a quality sculptor. During your artistic career, you have received numerous national and international awards. Research on materials and shapes also leads to patented design applications. Written by the artist: I. Bianchi, G. Boaretto, S. Carrozzini, R. Castellani, P. Daverio, G. Di Genova, A. Fiz, D. Focarino, F. Gualdoni, M. Monteverdi, I. Mormino , C. Munari, E. Pietraforte, P. Restany, P. Senna, G. Seveso, D. Villani, D. Montalto, S. Pancera, G. Chiesa, C. Caserta, F. Bianucci, C. Cinelli, A .Tarsi.

Last update: February 09, 2020

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