
Letizia Cariello

Letizia Cariello (Copparo, Ferrara) lives and works in Milan. Letizia Cariello's research explores through different media (drawing, installation, photography, sculpture and video).

Omar Galliani

Omar Galliani was born in Montecchio Emilia on October 30, 1954. He attended and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna with the Pozzati Concept. He was invited to the first International Triennial of Design in Nuremberg in 1979.

Luigi Ghirri

Luigi Ghirri (Scandiano 1943 - Roncocesi 1992) is an Italian artist recognized today internationally as one of the masters of contemporary photography.

Andi Kacziba

Andi Kacziba (Ungheria, 1974) lives in Italy since 1997 where she worked as a model, and later devoted herself to photography. Her first cycles of works express through the laborious manual weaving of rope, the strength, tenacity and capacity for endurance of women.

Richard Long

Richard Long (Bristol, 1945; vive e lavora in Inghilterra) è considerato un esponente di rilievo della Land art sin da quando ha realizzato “A Line Made by Walking” nel 1967.

Giulio D'Anna

Giulio D’Anna nasce a Villarosa (Enna) nel 1908. Dopo la morte del padre si trasferisce a Palermo. Qui ha i primi contatti con il Futurismo e si interessa da autodidatta alle tecniche artistiche.

Olafur Eliasson

Olafur Eliasson (Copenhagen, 1967) è cresciuto in Islanda e Danimarca. Dal 1989 al 1995 studia alla Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Yuval Avital

Nato a Gerusalemme nel 1977 e residente a Milano, l’artista multimediale e compositore Yuval Avital sviluppa le sue opere in una varietà di spazi, tra luoghi pubblici, siti archeologici industriali, teatri e musei, sfidando le tradizionali categorie delle arti.

Domenico Paladino

Domenico Paladino was born in Paduli (BN) in 1948. In the 1960s, fascinated by the cultural climate of the time, including Conceptual Art and Pop Art in America, he began to make conceptual experiments, then shifting his focus to figurative painting.

Tetsuro Shimizu

Tetsuro Shimizu si diploma nel 1985 alla Sokei Academy of Fine Arts di Tokyo. Nel 1987 si trasferisce in Italia, a Milano e nel 1992 si diploma in Pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.

Luca Caccioni

Luca Caccioni (Bologna, 1962). Vive e lavora a Bologna, dove è titolare della Cattedra di Pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti.

Sonia Costantini

Sonia Costantini è nata nel 1953 in provincia di Mantova, città dove vive e lavora. Inizia a presentare le sue opere dalla fine degli anni settanta in personali e collettive in varie città italiane e straniere.

Maurizio Galimberti

Maurizio Galimberti nasce a Como nel 1956, vive e lavora a Monza. Si accosta al mondo della fotografia analogica con l’utilizzo di una fotocamera ad obiettivo rotante Wideluxm per poi focalizzare il suo impegno, nel 1983, sulla Polaroid.


Armodio è nato nel 1938 a Piacenza, città in cui attualmente vive e lavora. Da giovane incontra Gustavo Foppiani, che diventa suo maestro e lo accompagna nelle prime mostre personali.

Gianfranco Ferroni

Gianfranco Ferroni nasce a Livorno nel 1927 e muore a Bergamo nel 2001. Dopo una formazione autodidatta, verso la metà degli anni Cinquanta entra a far parte del gruppo del “Realismo esistenziale” con Banchieri, Ceretti, Guerreschi, Romagnoni, Vaglieri.

Jerry Zeniuk

Nato nel 1945 in Bardowick bei Luneburg (DE), figlio di un rifugiato ucraino, emigra insieme ai suoi genitori negli Stati Uniti nel 1950, dove cresce in Colorado.

Nadia Galbiati

Nadia Galbiati nasce nel 1975 nell’hinterland milanese, dove vive e dove ha creato il suo laboratorio. Diplomata in Scultura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano nel 1999.

Cristiano Pintaldi

Nasce nel 1970 a Roma. Vive e lavora a Roma. Cresciuto in una famiglia di pubblicitari appassionati d’arte, dal 1991 ha cominciato a usare solo i tre colori primari, rosso, verde e blu, su uno sfondo nero, accostandoli nello stesso modo in cui i pixel si dispongono per dare vita all’immagine sullo schermo televisivo.

Manuela Giusto

Manuela Giusto (Roma 1976) frequenta la scuola romana di restauro del San Giacomo, nel 2003 si diploma all'Accademia di belle arti capitolina.

Francesca Banchelli

Francesca Banchelli (Montevarchi, 1981) si è diplomata all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze (pittura), nel 2007, e ha conseguito il Master in Fine Art presso la Central Saint Martins di Londra nel 2010.

Giuseppe Stampone

Giuseppe Stampone è nato a Cluses, in Francia, nel 1974 e vive e lavora tra Teramo, Bruxelles e Roma.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Ruiz nasce a Malaga nel 1881 da Maria Picasso e José Ruiz Blasco. Il padre, insegnante di disegno e curatore del Museo di Malaga, è il primo a spingere il giovane Pablo verso le arti visive.

Enrique Martínez Celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya è un artista, autore ed ex fisico le cui opere sono state esposte e collezionate da importanti istituzioni in tutto il mondo.

Sergio Perrero

Sergio Perrero. Architetto, designer, creativo poliedrico ha trasformato in arte la moda, l’arredo, lo spazio allestito.

Roberta Coni

Roberta Coni è nata a Marino (Roma) nel 1976. Si diploma all’Accademia di Belle arti di Roma nel 1999.

David LaChapelle

David LaChapelle nasce nel Connecticut nel 1963 e frequenta la scuola d’arte del North Carolina.

Aldo Mondino

Aldo Mondino è nato a Torino nel 1938, dove è morto nel 2005. Nel 1959 si trasferisce a Parigi, dove frequenta l’atelier di William Hayter, l'École du Louvre e frequenta il corso di mosaico dell'Accademia di Belle Arti con Severini e Licata.

Gianfranco Notargiacomo

Gianfranco Notargiacomo nasce a Roma, nel 1945. Manifesta una passione precoce per l’arte, che induce i genitori ad accompagnarlo, quando ha solo dieci anni, alla Quadriennale di Roma.

Gianni Asdrubali

Nato a Tuscania (Viterbo) nel 1955, Gianni Asdrubali frequenta l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Viterbo, dove è allievo di Luigi Boille, maestro dell’Informale segnico.

Mario Raciti

Mario Raciti nasce a Milano nel 1934. Le sue prime esposizioni risalgono agli inizi degli anni ‘50.

Alberto Burri

Alberto Burri (1915-1995) tornato in Italia dopo la guerra, nel 1946, dopo un breve soggiorno nella città natale si reca a Roma dove avvia il suo noviziato professionale nella pittura.

Mario Nigro

Mario Nigro (Pistoia, 1917 - Livorno, 1992), protagonista dell’arte internazionale del XX secolo, si interessa da subito allo studio della musica e nel 1933 si avvicina alla pittura.

Kay Sage

Kay Sage was born in 1898 near Albany, New York. Her mother and father, a wealthy senator, divorced in 1911, with Sage and her elder sister Anne experiencing a peripatetic childhood with periods spent in San Francisco, New York and Florida.

Yves Tanguy

Classed as “the most surrealist of the Surrealists” by the artistic movement’s leader André Breton, Yves Tanguy was born in Paris in 1900 at the Ministère de la Marine, Place de la Concorde, where his father, a retired sea captain, worked.

Claudio Rotta Loria

Rotta Loria (Torino, 1949), tra la fine del 1968 e i primi anni Settanta, si forma sulle esperienze dell’arte programmata sviluppando una ricerca sperimentale che si articola in cicli paralleli di lavori fra loro collegati.

Patrizia Trevisi

Patrizia Trevisi nasce a Roma dopo gli studi artistici, la laurea in Storia dell’Arte alla Sapienza di Roma.


Sarenco (Vobarno, BS, 1945 – Salò, BS, 2017). Isaia Mabellini, fu poeta visivo, performer, esploratore, regista, editore, fotografo, organizzatore.

Emilio Isgrò

Emilio Isgrò (Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, ME, 1937) è il padre della cancellatura, un atto che cominciò a sperimentare nei primi anni Sessanta e che ancora oggi mantiene la stessa vivacità e audacia creativa.

Concetto Pozzati

Concetto Pozzati (Vo' Vecchio, Padova, 1935 - Bologna, 2017), figlio di Mario e nipote di Sepo (Severo Pozzati) ha studiato all'Istituto Statale d'Arte di Bologna e in seguito Architettura e Pubblicità.

Regan Wheat

Regan Wheat, (1973 Lakin, Kansas, USA | lives and works in Italy) is a multimedia artist who does archival work, analyzes what is missing in language, history and places, highlighting the subtle gap between meaning and understanding.

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange si avvicina alla fotografia nel 1915, imparandone la tecnica grazie ai corsi di Clarence H. White alla Columbia University.

Furio Cavallini

Furio Cavallini was born in Piombino (Livorno) in 1929. He is the first of three brothers of a working-class family who in 1941, due to the war, moved to Riparbella (Pisa), his father's hometown, in the hills of the upper Maremma. between Cecina and Volterra.

Paola Agosti

Nata a Torino nel 1947, fotografa indipendente dal 1969, nella sua carriera si è occupata con grande attenzione delle vicende del mondo femminile, dedicando a questo tema vari libri.

Melanie Francesca

Melanie Francesca is a promising contemporary artist. Her paintings have been exhibited in Europe and the Middle East, we remember her solo show at the Cortina gallery in Milan in 2005 and the group show with the Figuration Critique group, Grand Palais, in Paris.

Alessandro Librio

Alessandro Librio. Sound-artst e compositore, si laurea in violino nel 2010 al conservatorio di Palermo.

Barbara Nati

Born in Rome on August 15, 1980, living and working between Britain and Italy. She took classes at Parson School of Design, New York. She has since established an international reputation for her complex compositions-hybrids.

Evangelos Papadopoulos

Evangelos Papadopoulos è nato nel 1974 ad Atene, in Grecia. Dopo aver studiato come ingegnere minerario e metallurgico presso l'Università Tecnica Nazionale Metsoviana di Atene.

Federica Limongelli

Was born in Novi Ligure (AL), Italy. She lives and work in Caserta, Italy. She graduated from the Art School of Genoa and then from the Academy of Fine Arts of the city.

Flavio Paolucci

Born in 1934 in Torre, Val di Blenio, Switzerland, Flavio Paolucci trained at the Cantonal School of Painting in Lugano and, in parallel, began working at the Atelier Oscar Bölt in Locarno.

Tina Modotti

Assunta Adelaide Luigia Modotti Mondini, abbreviata in Tina Modotti (Udine, 1896 – Città del Messico, 1942), fu una attrice, fotografa, attivista italiana.

Giovanni Frangi

He was born in 1959 in Milan, where he studied and graduated from the Brera Academy. He begins to exhibit in Turin in 1983, at the La Bussola gallery

Nora Lux

L'artista Nora Lux, fotografa e performer, negli anni, collabora con artisti del calibro di Felice Levini e Oliviero Rainaldi.

Güler Ates

Born in 1977 in Muş, Eastern Turkey, lives and works in the UK. She graduated in 2008 from the Royal College of Art with an MA in Fine Art. She is currently Digital Print Tutor at the Royal Academy Schools.

Daniela Comani

Daniela Comani (Bologna, 1965) si è diplomata all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna nel 1988.

Helene Pavlopoulou

Born in Greece in 1974. Studied painting with Dimitris Mytaras. She graduated in engraving at the Athens School of Fine Arts with a scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation from 1992-97.

Andrea Agostini

Andrea Agostini è nato nel 1964 ad Ancona e dopo essersi diplomato all'Istituto Statale d'Arte della città, frequenta l'ISIA di Urbino.

Jean-Michel Bihorel

Born in France in 1988, after finishing his studies in an animation school in France, he has been doing digitally generated pictures since 2008. He has worked for movies, features films, commercials and important brands, doing special effects and 3d animated visuals.

Gian Carlo Riccardi

Gian Carlo Riccardi nasce a Frosinone il 21 ottobre 1933. Pittore, regista teatrale, performer, scultore e scrittore è stato definito dal critico d'arte Enrico Crispolti.

Marco Angelini

Marco Angelini, born in Rome in 1971, lives and works between Rome and Warsaw. He holds a BA in Sociology and a Masters in Occupational Psychology.

Robert Doisneau

Nato nel 1912 a Gentilly, una città nella periferia sud di Parigi, Robert Doisneau muove i primi passi nel campo della litografia, attività che abbandonerà rapidamente in favore di un apprendistato presso lo studio di André Vigneau.

EPVS, Elena Panarella Vimercati Sanseverino

EPVS, Elena Panarella Vimercati Sanseverino, born in Germany but active in Rome, is a versatile artist. You have experimented with all kinds and forms of visual expression: from sculpture to photography, from neon to interactive and relational installations.

Paolo Maggis

Paolo Maggis è un artista italiano che lavora prevalentemente nell'ambito della pittura. Nasce a Milano il 29 dicembre 1978.

Giuseppe Gavazzi

Giuseppe Gavazzi nasce in Francia nel 1936 da genitori toscani. Da ragazzo segue il padre carbonaio nei suoi impegni di lavoro che lo portano in Sardegna e in Maremma fino ad approdare con la famiglia sulla collina pistoiese.

Ali Kazma

Ali Kazma (1971, Istanbul, TR) è un video artista multimediale che vive e lavora tra Istanbul e Parigi.

Federica Zianni

Federica Zianni frequenta il triennio e il biennio di Scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera dove si laurea nel 2015 e nel 2018. Frequenta anche la Hochschule für Bildende Künste di Dresda.

Andrea Bianconi

La sua opera spazia fra le diverse forme artistiche di performance, pittura e scultura con esibizioni in musei pubblici e spazi privati di tutto il mondo.

Keith Haring

Keith Allen Haring, nato il 4 maggio 1958, è cresciuto in una famiglia borghese di sei persone nel piccolo quartiere di Kutztown, in Pennsylvania.

Imi Knoebel

Imi Knoebel (born Klaus Wolf Knoebel) Dessau. 1940. Lives and works in Düsseldorf.

Lorenzo Mattotti

Lorenzo Mattotti è nato a Brescia nel 1954, vive e lavora a Parigi. Dal suo esordio, nel 1984 con Fuochi, si aggiudica importanti premi internazionali.

Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens (Siegen 1577 - Anversa 1640) nacque a Siegen, nell'attuale Germania, dall'esiliato avvocato Jan, accusato di calvinismo, e dalla figlia di un commerciante di arazzi, Maria Pypelinckx.

Silvano Rubino

Silvano Rubino lives and works between Venice and Milan. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.

Eve Arnold

Eve Arnold, nata Cohen, figlia di un rabbino emigrato dalla Russia in America, contende ad Inge Morath il primato di prima fotografa donna ad essere entrata a far parte della Magnum.

Cleto Munari

Cleto Munari nasce a Gorizia il 19 luglio del 1930, ma è vicentino d'adozione. Grande protagonista del mondo della creatività internazionale, nel periodo a cavallo tra Novecento e il terzo Millennio.

Anselm Kiefer

Born in 1945 in Donaueschingen, Germany, Anselm Kiefer is one of the most important and versatile artists today.

Andrea Fontanari

Andrea Fontanari was born in Trento (IT) in 1996. He lives and works between Trento and Venice.

Jannis Kounellis

Jannis Kounellis (1936, Il Pireo, Grecia - 2017, Roma)

Nico Vascellari

Nico Vascellari (1976, Vittorio Veneto) porta avanti una ricerca che affronta, sin dagli esordi, pratiche diverse, dalla performance alla scultura, dall'installazione al disegno, dal video all'esplorazione del suono.

Adolf Vallazza

Adolf Vallazza was born in Ortisei (Bz) in 1924. His father was an iron sculptor and his mother was the daughter of the painter Josef Moroder Lusenberg.

Stefano Cagol

Stefano Cagol (Trento, IT, 1969) studied at Brera Academy in Milan and Ryerson University in Toronto with a post-doctoral fellowship from the Government of Canada.

David Berkovitz

David Berkovitz (pseudonimo) nasce a Bologna il 24/04/1978. Attualmente vive e lavora nella provincia di Bologna.

Claudia Peill

Claudia Peill has exhibited in private galleries, museums and public institutions in Italy and abroad, has created several permanent public works.

Flavio Favelli

Flavio Favelli was born in Florence in 1967, lives and works in Savigno (Bologna). After graduating in Oriental History at the University of Bologna, he takes part in the Link Project (1995-2001).

Leiko Ikemura

Leiko Ikemura was born in Tsu, Japan, and lives and works between Berlin and Cologne. She moved to Europe in 1973, where she studies art at the University of Seville. For several years she lives in Switzerland, where she develops her expressive drawings and large format paintings.

Sergio Lombardo

Sergio Lombardo (Rome, 1939) is the founder of the eventualist theory, from which an artistic and theoretical movement based on experimental methods was born. His work is characterized by programmatic discontinuity and can be grouped into distinct periods or cycles.

Ugo La Pietra

Born in Bussi sul Tirino (Pescara) in 1938, originally from Arpino (Frosinone), he lives and works in Milan, where in 1964 he graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic.

Paolo Cirio

Paolo Cirio was born in Turin in 1979. He lives and works in New York. His work has been presented in important institutions around the world and has won numerous awards.

Michele Zaza

Michele Zaza (Molfetta, 1948) attended Marino Marini's sculpture course at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, where he graduated in 1971.

Valentino Vago

Valentino Vago (1931-2018) was one of the most original interpreters of his generation, for about sixty years he tried to erase the visible world to get to the Invisible and pure light.

Jernej Forbici

Jernej Forbici was born in Maribor (Slovenia) in 1980. Graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice (C. Di Raco chair), after the Specialist Degree in Visual Arts and Performing Arts, he dedicated himself to landscape and large formats .

Marika Vicari

Marika Vicari was born in Vicenza in 1979. Graduated with honors in Painting (professorship of Carlo Di Raco) at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice in 2003, she graduated in 2005 in Design and Production of Visual Arts at the Faculty of Design and Art .

Franco Guerzoni

Franco Guerzoni was born in 1948 in Modena, where he lives and works. In 1970 he undertakes various, non-traditional and often ephemeral practices of artistic production, very experimental and close to photography.

Vincenzo Scolamiero

Vincenzo Scolamiero, graduated in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 1986. He is a professor of Painting at the Visual Arts Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, the city where he lives and works.

Franca Pisani

Franca Pisani was born in Grosseto in 1956 into a family of artists: her grandmother Margherita was an embroidery designer for Queen Elena on the estate of San Rossore, in Tuscany, while her mother Lia is still a painter.

Felice Levini

Felice Levini was born in Rome in 1956 where he lives and works. Its first presence in Rome dates back to 1978 in the self-managed space of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni.

Marco Lando

Marco Lando’ s photographic work is influenced by his New York theatre background. Combining existential plot lines, dramatic lighting, and surrealist stage design, the otherworldly mise-en-scenes he creates operate on a visceral, symbolic level.

Hertha Miessner

Hertha Miessner lives and works in Munich, after graduating in painting at the local Academy of Art, starting from the 90s, she directed her research towards new technologies.

Eugenio Tibaldi

Eugenio Tibaldi, born in Alba in 1977, attended (CSAV), Antonio Ratti Foundation, Como, Domus Academy in Istanbul and was Affiliated Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome.

Roberta Conigliaro

Roberta Conigliaro is a Syracusan sculptor. You moved to Rome in 1989 for study reasons. She graduated in Psychology and worked for some years in the psychiatric field.

Katinka Bock

Born in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Katinka Bock graduated from the Kunsthochschule in Berlin and from the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Lyon. She lives and works in Paris.

Daniela Rancati

Daniela Rancati (Milan, 1951). You live and work in Milan. She is a sculptor and an all-round artist, she exhibits since 1973; she made her first solo show in Milan, in 1979.

Cesare Zavattini

Cesare Zavattini (Luzzara, 20 September 1902 - Rome, 13 October 1989) Screenwriter, director, writer, trained in Bergamo, Rome, Alatri and Parma. He publishes his first story, Let's talk a lot about me, in 1931, followed by other, numerous successes.

Marcello Tedesco

Marcello Tedesco (Bologna, 1979). He trained at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, where he attended various workshops with artists from the international scene.

Gianni Mantovani

Gianni Mantovani was born in Concordia (Mo) in 1950 where he still lives today. He studies at the Art Institute of Modena and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

Esther Stocker

Esther Stocker (IT, 1974) Recognized worldwide for her paintings, sculptures and large installations characterized by an abstract and geometric style and for the use of a palette limited to black, white and gray.

The Bounty KillArt

It was 2002 when Gualtiero Jacopo Marchioretto, Rocco D’Emilio, Dionigi Biolatti and Marco Orazi, students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, decided to give life to the collective The Bounty KillArt.

Ana Celdrán Beltrán

Spanish sculptor (born 1978 in La Unión, Murcia) with a past in restoration, Ana Celdrán Beltrán currently lives and works in Venice.

Luca Alinari

Luca Alinari was born in Florence on October 27, 1943 and died, also in his city, on March 15, 2019. From a very young age he loves painting and, like all children, draws and paints. Over time, however, this passion turns into a reason for living.

A.R. Penck

He was born in Dresden on 5 October 1939, with the name of Ralf Winkler. He lives with his mother, a teacher by profession, and with his younger sister in the popular neighborhood of Nausslitz.

Salvatore Vitale

Salvatore Vitale (1986, Palermo, Italy) is a visual artist, curator, editor and lecturer based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Silvio Porzionato

Silvio Portzionato: Born in Moncalieri (TO) in 1971. After graduating from artistic high school, for a decade he worked in design for an important Turin company.

Luca Crocicchi

Luca Crocicchi was born in Castello di Cantagallo, Florence, in 1958. His first experiences with painting date back to the 1970s. In 1984 Giovanni Testori invited him to take part in the collective exhibition Artisti e Scrittori at Rotonda della Besana in Milan.

Alberto Biasi

Alberto Biasi was born in Padua in 1937 and is one of the greatest national and international exponents of Kinetic or Optical Art.

Jacques Toussaint

Born in Paris in 1947, Jacques Toussaint began his artistic activity in Italy in 1971 after studying at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Bruno Munari

Bruno Munari was born in Milan in 1907 and spent his childhood in Badia Polesine (RO), near the Adige, where his parents run a hotel.

Piero Guccione

Piero Guccione was born on May 5 in Scicli, in the province of Ragusa, the third son of a small bourgeois family. His father was a tailor, of good school, the housewife mother.


The R.E.M.I.D.A. collective, born in 1997, deals with visualizing the alchemy of art through gold, working on new forms and installations with a strong component of design and recovery of materials.

Marco Eusepi

Marco Eusepi (Anzio, 1991) lives and works in Rome. He obtained a diploma in Painting and Graphic Art (Biennium) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Elena Bellantoni

Elena Bellantoni (Vibo Valentia, 1975) Works between Rome and Berlin. She graduated in Contemporary Art, she also studies in Paris and London, where she obtains an MA in Visual Art at the WCA University of Arts London.

Jean Bedez

Jean Bedez (Colmar, 1976), lives and works in Paris and Marseille, France. After studying at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art in Nancy, Jean Bedez was admitted to the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he graduated in 2001.

Antonella De Sarno

Antonella De Sarno is an actress-performer and visual artist who explores movement and its scenic and expressive potential through performance language and visual arts.

Adriana Luperto

Adriana Luperto, born in Salento, has always lived by intertwining different work activities with a passion for art and painting. At 21 she moved to Milan.

Giovanni Campus

Giovanni Campus was born in Olbia in 1929. He completed his classical studies in Genoa, in 1961 he attended the Free Academy BB.AA. in Livorno.

Tony Cragg

Tony Cragg has been working and exhibiting since 1969. He studied at the Royal College of Art in London and has lived in Wuppertal since 1977. He participated in documenta 7 and 8 and represented Great Britain at the Venice Biennale in 1988.

Giovanni Gastel

Giovanni Gastel's (Milan, 1955-2021) career as a photographer began in a basement in Milan in the late 1970s, where very young Gastel spent his long years of apprenticeship taking photos and learning the basic techniques.

Marta Roberti

Marta Roberti (Brescia, 1977) lives and works in Rome. After graduating in Philosophy in Verona, she graduated in Multimedia Art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.

Roberto Ghezzi

Roberto Ghezzi was born in Cortona in 1978, where he currently lives and works. His training began within the family sculpture studio and was perfected at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

Eleonora Roaro

Eleonora Roaro (Varese, 1989) is a visual artist and researcher. You have studied Photography (BA-IED, Milan), Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies (MA-NABA, Milan) and Contemporary Art Practice (MA-Plymouth University, Plymouth).

Ettore Sottsass

Ettore Sottsass (14 September 1917 - 31 December 2007). Ettore Sottsass was born in Innsbruck, Austria. He graduated in architecture from the Turin Polytechnic in 1939.

Giuliano Macca

Giuliano Macca was born in Noto in Sicily in 1988. He began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome where he graduated in painting. His approach to the visual arts initially takes place through the world of Street Art.

Nicola Pucci

Nicola Pucci (Palermo, 1966) studied advertising illustration at the European Institute of Design (IED) in Rome, and then moved to Vipiteno to design the covers of the famous Pigna notebooks.

Giorgio Bartocci

Giorgio Bartocci (Iesi, 1984) is a multifaceted artist, active for over twenty years as a writer, muralist and designer. He studies goldsmith art at the art school, he graduates from the I.S.I.A. of Urbino and grew up breathing in the scents of colors and paper in the studio of his father, painter, engraver and graphic designer.

Claudio Gobbi

Claudio Gobbi (Ancona, 1971) studied photography at the Bauer Institute in Milan, specializing under the guidance of Gabriele Basilico. His projects - characterized by a continuous work in progress - address issues relating to cultural identity and borders, transnationality, the East-West encounter, as well as the relationship between art, architecture and cultural anthropology.

Cristina Iotti

Cristina Iotti graduated in 1987 in Illustration from the three-year advanced course of the European Institute of Design (IED) in Milan. Since 2002 she has devoted herself exclusively to painting and drawing and since then she has exhibited regularly in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

Gastone Biggi

Gastone Biggi (1925 - 2014) was born on February 12, 1925 in Rome in the Rione Monti from a copyist and painter father. He graduated from the Liceo Artistico in Rome, where he will teach art subjects in different locations, until 1984.

Elisa Cella

Elisa Cella was born in Genoa in 1974, lives and works in Monza (MB). She graduated from scientific high school and attended mathematics at the State University of Milan. You started drawing in ink on paper when you were at university and later to paint.

Enzo Esposito

Enzo Esposito was born in Benevento in 1946, since 1980 he has lived and worked in Milan. After a phase of maturation in a climate of conceptual art and formal rigor, he is one of the first artists to sense, at the end of the 1970s, the return to painting through "environments".

Fernanda Fedi

Fernanda Fedi lives and works in Milan. She studies art in Milan and Bologna (DAMS degree). She specialized courses in Museology and Museography at the Faculty of Architecture in Milan and in Art Therapy at the Civic Pedagogical and Social School of the Municipality of Milan.

Agostino Ferrari

Agostino Ferrari was born in Milan in 1938. Attracted since childhood by the art world, at twenty-one he decided to devote himself completely to it and in 1961, with works still linked to a naturalistic sphere, he inaugurated his first solo show at the Pater gallery (Milan ).

Gaetano Fracassio

Gaetano Fracassio. “A sorcerer's apprentice who became an artist. He became his ego and his great ability to smell the world, returning it to metaphorical and illusionist syntheses. A wandering, emigrant, stateless ego...

Giovanna Giachetti

Giovanna Giachetti was born in La-Chaux des Fonds in 1964. She spent her entire childhood in Nigeria, completed her high school studies in Switzerland, before attending the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin.

Umberto Mariani

Umberto Mariani was born in Milan in 1936. He attended the Brera Academy becoming study assistant to his teacher Achille Funi. In the years between 1959 and 1965, Mariani collaborated closely with his master for the creation of numerous and grandiose fresco decorations.

Peter Hide 311065

Peter Hide 311065 (Franco Crugnola) was born in Varese in 1965. Creative by profession, he conceives and designs with his wife the first e-book in history in 1992 (INCIPIT).

Paola Pezzi

Paola Pezzi was born in Brescia on 10 October 1963, she lives and works in Milan. In the early eighties she moved to Milan, where she attended the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and attended, among others, the courses of Zeno Birolli and Luciano Fabro.

Isabella Rigamonti

Isabella Rigamonti was born in 1969 and after her artistic studies and a debut in the figurative pictorial field, she began a path of artistic experimentation of an informal perceptive nature with unusual expressive techniques and materials, which led her, over time, to approach photography.

Francesco Riva

Francesco Riva for friends Cecco, born in Bogno di Besozzo and moved from the age of 4 to Gemonio, and from the age of majority I have been involved in the social life of the town.

Giorgio Tentolini

Giorgio Tentolini was born in Casalmaggiore (Cr) in 1978. From the studied superimposition of clippings on layers of wire mesh, the chiaroscuro gradations of the snapshots emerge ...

Michele Tombolini

Michele Tombolini (1963) was born and raised in Venice. He began his art studies at the Istituto Statale Arte in Venice. Tombolini has worked between many different artistic disciplines.

Giuseppe Veneziano

Giuseppe Veneziano was born in Mazzarino (CL) on February 22, 1971. He graduated in architecture in 1996 at the University of Palermo. During his university years he collaborated for various newspapers (Giornale di Sicilia, La Sicilia, Stilos).

Mariuccia Barbon

From Spresiano (TV), born in '51, Mariuccia Barbon stands out in the world of art and sport.

Ciro Palumbo

Ciro Palumbo was born in Zurich (CH) in 1965. His training as an advertising graphic designer led him to practice for years the profession of Art Director in advertising agencies in Turin.

Grossi Maglioni

Grossi Maglioni (Francesca Grossi and Vera Maglioni, * 1982, Rome) began their collaboration in 2006 and their research was mainly in the areas of performance, installation and workshop.

Enzo Cacciola

Enzo Cacciola was born in Arenzano (GE) in 1945. His first personal exhibition was held in 1971 at the La Bertesca gallery in Genoa, focusing on the dynamics of plane-form-color relationships.

Elio Marchegiani

Elio Marchegiani was born in Syracuse in 1929 and, starting from 1934, he spent his childhood and youth in Livorno, a city that together with Pisa will see him as a student at the classical high school and then in university law courses but above all propitiatory to the meeting with Mario Nigro.

Saghar Daeiri

Saghar Daeiri (born in 1985 - Tehran, Iran). Visual artist and researcher. She lives and works in Istanbul.

Alcide Fontanesi

Alcide Fontanesi was born in Reggio Emilia on May 29, 1926. He spent his childhood in Roncadella, in the Reggio Emilia countryside, and as a child he revealed a natural predisposition and attention to drawing.

Giuseppe Penone

Giuseppe Penone was born in 1947 in Garessio (Piedmont); he lives and works in Turin. In 1968 he began exhibiting and joined the group of Arte Povera artists.

Marco Cingolani

Marco Cingolani (Recanati, 1985), after having completed his artistic studies at the Art Institute of Macerata, in 2004 he enrolled in the School of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata.

Nadia Nespoli

Nadia Nespoli lives and works in Milan. Graduated from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, she has numerous exhibitions and installations to her credit, including the recent Revelation.

Emanuela Cau

Emanuela Cau (Cagliari, 1971) is a photographer, director and actress. She dedicates the first part of her artistic activity to the theatrical and cinematographic fields.

Rafael Megall

Rafael Megall (Rafael Melikyan, Yerevan, 1983). At the center of Megall's works there is the representation of nature, which is however stylized and transformed into an ornamental pattern.

Nicola Samorì

Nicola Samorì (Forlì, 1977). Starting from meticulously made copies of works by great masters, especially from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in which the clash between light and shadow dominates, Samorì transforms and reinterprets them with the troubled spirit of our century.

Carla Cardinaletti

Carla Cardinaletti, born in Bolzano in 1971, lives in Trentino. You are trained in literature and visual communication between Trento and Milan. Winner of the international competition "Dieselwall".

Michael Fliri

Michael Fliri, born in Tubre in Val Monastero in 1978, lives and works between Zurich and South Tyrol. He studies art in Bologna, Munich and Bergen, specializing in NYU and Como, with Marjetica Potrč.

Elisa Grezzani

Elisa Grezzani, born in Bressanone in 1986, lives and works between Bolzano and Bologna. She trained in painting in Urbino. He has exhibited in solo shows at the Palais Mamming Museum, at the Stefano Forni Gallery, at the RLB in Lienz.

Hubert Kostner

Hubert Kostner, born in Bressanone in 1971, lives and works in Castelrotto. He studied sculpture at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, with stays in Madrid and Beijing.

Jacopo Valentini

Jacopo Valentini was born in Modena in 1990, he lives and works between Modena and Milan. He approached photography from an early age, studying first at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (Switzerland) and then at the IUAV in Venice, where he attended a Masters in photography.

Gaia Bellini

Gaia Bellini (Bardolino, 1996) at a young age studied watercolor in a village workshop. After completing his studies, after a year spent in South America she returns to Italy, where he graduates in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice

Natacha Lesueur

Natacha Lesueur (born 1971 in Cannes) trained at Villa Arson in Nice before presenting her first solo exhibition in 1996.

Massimo Scognamiglio

Artist and photographer, and digital evangelist, Massimo Scognamiglio is recognized as a web pioneer in Italy. He has been painting, photographing and exhibiting since the mid-90s.

Gigi Guadagnucci

Gigi Guadagnucci was born in 1915 in Castagnetola, a hamlet of Massa. Here, following the tradition of his family, he begins to work marble when he is little more than a child. In fact, after the mid-1920s, he obtained his first job at the Ciberti laboratory.

Italo Zuffi

Italo Zuffi was born in Imola in 1969. He lives in Milan. Visual artist, he works with performance, sculpture and writing. He studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London.

Paolo Marcolongo

Paolo Marcolongo, born in Padua in 1956, studied at the Pietro Selvatico Art Institute and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.

Marina Bindella

Since 1980 he has exhibited his graphic and pictorial work in numerous solo shows and participates in the most important international graphics reviews, obtaining various prizes and awards.

Federico Seppi

Federico Seppi was born in Trento in 1990. In 2014 he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice in the painting course.

Lucio Fontana

Lucio Fontana (Rosario di Santa Fè 1899 - Comabbio 1968) is one of the undisputed pioneers and masters of twentieth century art, a radical and disruptive charismatic figure, a constant point of reference for artists of subsequent generations.

Giulio Turcato

Giulio Turcato (Mantua 1912 - Rome 1995). He studies in Venice at the Art School at the Liceo Artistico and at the Free School of Nude.

Nado Canuti

Nado Canuti was born in Bettolle di Siena on 6 August 1929. Self-taught, he lives and works in Milan.

Lucio Saffaro

Lucio Saffaro (Trieste 1929-Bologna 1998), si è laureato in Fisica pura all’Università di Bologna, dove ha vissuto dal 1945.

Alessandra Maisto

Alessandra Maisto, Italian artist, born in 1990, was born in Naples where she attended the Academy of Fine Arts, earning a degree in visual arts.

Rita Tripodi

Rita Tripodi (Melito di Porto Salvo - Reggio Calabria, 1970) lives and works in Trieste. She is a teacher of Art and Image. She has a Degree in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts of Reggio Calabria and a Specialization in Drawing and Art History at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Adele Lotito

Adele Lotito was born in Rome where she lives and works. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Jacopo Ascari

Jacopo Ascari was born in Modena in 1993. Raised in a creative and stimulating environment, he began working as a freelance illustrator when he was just of age.

Virginia Carbonelli

Virginia Carbonelli was born in 1980 in Rome, where she lives and works in her studio in via di San Martino ai Monti.

Gabriele Grones

Gabriele Grones was born in Arabba (Belluno IT) in 1983. He lives and works between Rovigo, Milan and New York.

Bertozzi & Casoni

Giampaolo Bertozzi (Borgo Tossignano, Bologna, 1957) and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni (Lugo di Romagna, Ravenna, 1961) trained at the State Institute of Art for Ceramics in Faenza and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.


Francis Nathan Abiamba aka Afran is a Cameroonian artist, sculptor, painter and performer, born in 1987.

Luigi Cima

Luigi Cima was born in Villa di Villa, current municipality of Mel (Belluno) on January 5, 1860. After completing his technical studies in Feltre, he moved to Venice to enroll at the Academy of Fine Arts, where he attended the courses of Eugenio De Blaas.

Marica Moro

Marica Moro was born in Milan, where she lives and works. You have exhibited in numerous exhibitions and events in Italy and abroad; you have been collaborating for some time with some schools in Milan and with the Masters in Museum Education at the University of Rome 3.


Serj was born in Bergamo in 1985; he lives and works in Berlin. His work takes shape through a progressive methodological analysis, both formal and linguistic linked to the concept of a work of art as a "machine".

Costanza Candeloro

Costanza Candeloro (Bologna, 1990) graduated from the Haute école d’art et de design in Geneva (HEAD).

Mara Fabbro

Mara Fabbro was born in Castello d'Aviano in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, where she currently lives and works. After graduation, she began her career while always keeping her passion for painting alive.

Alberto Pasqual

Alberto Pasqual was born in 1965. He graduated as a mechanical expert in 1985 while working in the family shop at the same time.

Isabella Nurigiani

Isabella Nurigiani was born in Rome where she studied and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. She has always been a sensitive and attentive observer of symbiotic and interpretative codes.

Paolo Ventura

Paolo Ventura was born in Milan in 1968. In the early 90s he attended the Brera Academy of Fine Arts which he left almost immediately to take an interest in photography.

Jacopo Benassi

Jacopo Benassi is one of the greatest Italian artists of the last generations. Over the years he has exhibited in Italy and abroad in important museums and private galleries.

Andrea Cusumano

Andrea Cusumano [Palermo, 1973] is an artist, performer and academic of Italian and British nationality.

Julien Friedler

Julien Friedler (Brussels, 1950) is a singular figure in the panorama of contemporary art. The literary past, the training as a psychoanalyst, the love for philosophy and the writing of various erudite works.

Stefan Gierowski

Stefan Gierowski was born in Częstochowa, Poland, in 1925. He is one of the key representatives of the Polish abstraction movement after the war.

Roberto Piloni

Roberto Piloni was born in Rome where he lives and works. Since the nineties he has taken part in various exhibitions and artistic events both in public spaces and in private galleries.

Vito Bongiorno

Vito Bongiorno (Alcamo 1963). La sua infanzia è stata movimentata a causa dei diversi spostamenti della famiglia. Infatti, dopo avere vissuto la terribile esperienza del terremoto del Belice del 1968, si trasferisce a Genova e dopo due anni Roma diventerà la sua città.

Jaye Rhee

Jaye Rhee si muove nello spazio tra l'ironico e il toccante con lavori che incorporano simultaneamente video, fotografia e performance. Nata a Seoul, in Corea del Sud, Rhee si è diplomata alla School of the Art Institute of Chicago (BFA, MFA).

Zanbagh Lotfi

Zanbagh Lotfi è nata nel 1976 a Teheran, in Iran. Si è laureata in pittura e illustrazione all’Università d’Arte di Teheran.

Alessio Deli

Alessio Deli è nato a Marino, in provincia di Roma, nel 1981. Dopo gli studi all'Istituto d'Arte di Marino si è diplomato all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara dove si è specializzato in scultura.

Marcello Morandini

Marcello Morandini nasce a Mantova nel 1940 e abita a Varese dal 1947. È uno dei maggiori rappresentanti dell’Arte Concreta in Europa.

Begoña Zubero

Begoña Zubero (Bilbao, 1962) ha studiato Comunicazione Audiovisiva all’Universidad Complutense di Madrid. Si è formata come fotografa presso la SVA (School of Visual Arts) di New York.

Iginio Iurilli

L’avventura artistica di Iginio Iurilli, nativo di Gioia del Colle (Bari), comincia a Roma dove frequenta l’Accademia delle Belle Arti. Conseguito il diploma di scenografia lavora per un anno presso lo studio di due architetti.

Marco Gastini

Marco Gastini (Turin, 1938-2018). He has exhibited his work in solo shows in private and public exhibition spaces in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland, Brazil and the United States.

Fortunato Depero

Fortunato Depero nasce a Fondo in provincia di Trento nel 1892. Molto presto si trasferisce con la famiglia a Rovereto dove frequenta un istituto a indirizzo tecnico e artistico.

Guerrino Tramonti

Guerrino Tramonti nasce a Faenza il 30 giugno 1915 ed è artefice di qualità fin dagli anni giovanili; si forma alla scuola comunale di disegno industriale e plastica “Tommaso Minardi” e poi presso la Regia Scuola di Ceramica di Faenza.


Salvo, nome d’arte per Salvatore Mangione, nasce a Leonforte in provincia di Enna nel 1947. Nel 1956, si trasferisce con la famiglia da Catania a Torino, sua città d’adozione.

Tamara Repetto

Tamara Repetto, e’ nata a Genova e vive tra Voltaggio e Lussemburgo. Ha conseguito la maturita’ artistica presso l’Istituto Statale d’Arte Jona Ottolenghi Acqui Terme. Si e’ specializzata in Grafica Pubblicitaria presso la scuola “Arte e Messaggio” Castello Sforzesco Milano.

Nicola De Maria

Nicola De Maria - Nato a Foglianise (Benevento) il 6 dicembre 1954, vive e lavora a Torino.

Remo Salvadori

Remo Salvadori nasce a Cerreto Guidi, Firenze nel 1947.

Qiu Yi

Nato a Yantai, in Cina, nel 1982, si è laureato in scultura alla Shandong University of Arts. Nel 2011 si è trasferito a Firenze, dove ha completato il Biennio in "Arti Visive e Nuovi Linguaggi Espressivi" presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti.

Urs Lüthi

Urs Lüthi è nato a Kriens (Lucerna, Svizzera) nel 1947, vive e lavora a Monaco di Baviera.

Stefano Cescon

Stefano Cescon, born in Pordenone in 1989. After graduating with honors in Decoration at the Venice Academy, he focuses his artistic research around a path aimed at discovering the expressive potential of beeswax.

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