Enzo Esposito

Enzo Esposito was born in Benevento in 1946, since 1980 he has lived and worked in Milan. After a phase of maturation in a climate of conceptual art and formal rigor, he is one of the first artists to sense, at the end of the 1970s, the return to painting through "environments". The first installations date back to 1977, paintings executed directly on the walls of the galleries, where the grandeur of color creates strong emotional entanglements. In those years his work was noticed by Renato Barilli who included Esposito in the group of "Nuovi Nuovi", with whom in the 1980s he participated in numerous group exhibitions in the most important international museums.
The following period is marked by an abstract expressionism made up of bright luminosity and ever wider and rampant backgrounds. The almost always monumental dimensions of his works serve the artist to underline the objective value of painting as a demanding and all-encompassing experience, both for those who create it and for those who observe it.

Last update: December 05, 2021

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