Gaia Bellini

Gaia Bellini (Bardolino, 1996) at a young age studied watercolor in a village workshop. After completing his studies, after a year spent in South America during which he has the opportunity to assist and study the matter of color that comes from the plant world, she returns to Italy, where he graduates in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and, at the same time, she deepens the study of dyeing plants and vegetable printing, coming to express her poetic style through what she calls "Vegetable Shrouds": pictorial canvases that she creates by seeking harmony and delicacy on the fabric that, wrapped in chrysalises, will let itself be imprinted over time thus giving shape to the refined aesthetic sensibility, halfway between conscious research and discovery. Among her personal exhibitions we highlight 2021, Alizarina, Sala Santa Rita Contemporanea, Rome and among her most recent group exhibitions we highlight 2021, Casamatta Discontinuità, Bastione San Gallo, Pesaro and Urbino; 2021, Roots. Futuro Archaico Fest, Civic Museum, Bari; 2020, floating city, MUST, Vimercate); 2020, Live Museum Live Change, Trajan's Markets Museum of the Imperial Fora, Rome; 2020, Think big, Paratissima Art Fair, Bologna. You live and work in Verona.

Last update: January 04, 2022

Gaia Bellini. In studio - copyright Alessandro Tomasi

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