Marco Lando

Marco Lando’ s photographic work is influenced by his New York theatre background. Combining existential plot lines, dramatic lighting, and surrealist stage design, the otherworldly mise-en-scenes he creates operate on a visceral, symbolic level. Always shot in black-and-white, and manipulated digitally, his imagery explores the human psyche, eschewing the rational and moral world in favor of the unconscious and instinctual. The absence of color lends a forensic quality to the uncanny nature of subject matter, and avoids pushing it into the realm of the sensational.Architectural images, hermitic figures, mannequins, female and male nudes occupy dark and moody landscapes that recall the mystical and esoteric realms of Symbolists like Odilon Redon, William Blake, and Arnold Bocklin, along with their surrealist offspring — photographers like Raoul Ubac, Man Ray, and Hans Bellmer who manipulated the photographic medium for similar affect. He has most recently shown his work at the Site: Brooklyn Art Gallery and at the Viridian Artists Inc. both in New York City, and at the Studio Psacaropulo Museum in Trieste. He won the 2021 “Special Prize” for photography and digital art at the DeSidera Art Festival, and was a finalist at the 2016 WAC in Wells, UK. Representing gallery: Viridian Artists Inc. - 548 W 28th Street, New York 10001.

Last update: November 20, 2021

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