Marina Bindella

Since 1980 he has exhibited his graphic and pictorial work in numerous solo shows and participates in the most important international graphics reviews, obtaining various prizes and awards; the most important are listed below. In 1997 he exhibited at the M.Hoffmann gallery, Paderborn (D). In 1999 she held an exhibition at the Sormani Library in Milan, with a presentation by G. Accame and received the jury's prize at the XIV Biella International Prize for Engraving and in 2000 the III International Print Triennial in Cairo. The exhibition at the Il Bulino gallery dates back to 2004, with presentations in the catalog by G. Strazza and G. Appella. The collaboration with the most important Italian private presses represents an important aspect of his work over the years. In 2006, the exhibition Strazza / Bindella-incisioni, at the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, Ciampino (RM) and the personal exhibition at the Galerie de Wégimont, Liège. In 2007, the Prints and Drawings Department of Alessandria hosted a personal exhibition and acquired 15 woodcuts. In 2008 he held an exhibition at the Il Salice gallery in Locarno. In 2010 he exhibited at the Research of Art gallery in Rome, with presentations by J. Nigro Covre and I. Schiaffini. In 2013 one of his installations was inaugurated for the Tor Vergata Polyclinic and he held an exhibition at the Porta Latina gallery in Rome; in 2014 he took part in the LXV Michetti Award. In 2015 he held a solo show at the MLAC, Laboratory Museum of Contemporary Art of the La Sapienza University of Rome. In 2016 she is invited by Christiane Baumgartner to the Newcastle International Print Biennale. In the same year 2016 she gave life to her own private printing house, HD editions, open to artist friends and former students with the creation of artist's books. In 2017 she held a personal exhibition at the Castelvecchio Museum in Verona, starting with her donation. In the same year she made a solo exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute in Lisbon. The exhibition Marina Bindella, the Graphic Work 1988/2018 at the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome, presented by C. Zambianchi and Antonella Renzitti, dates back to the end of 2018. A donation of 50 works to the ICG is linked to the exhibition. She teaches Xylography and the design of the Artist's Book at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, the city where she lives and works.

Last update: January 25, 2022

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