Michele Tombolini
Michele Tombolini (1963) was born and raised in Venice. He began his art studies at the Istituto Statale Arte in Venice. Tombolini has worked between many different artistic disciplines. The paintings - in oil and mixed media on canvas are at the center of his work. Having with him a team of graphic designers and photographers, his experimentation ranges from sculptures video art collages to video installations and photography while maintaining his language, his message and his recognizability.
The social aspect has a central position for Tombolini's art, and for this reason he defines his work as Social Pop. Tombolini was invited to the 55th Venice Biennale at Palazzo Bembo in 2013 together with world-famous artists, such as Hermann Nitsch, Yoko Ono, Roman Opalca, where the Venetian artist presents an installation about violence against women
In 2015 Tombolini created a mural installation - Butterfly, in Berlin. An 18x13 meter installation on the abuse of minors in the world. This installation which is part of the Indelible Marks cycle is still visible at Krossenerstrasse 36 Berlin, but what characterizes the work is the use of augmented reality. Tombolini is represented by many international galleries and in Italy, Hong Kong, Miami and Oslo London, Milan Venice. In 2019, during the Venice Biennale, he installed his mannequin "the beggar" transformed into a "beggar" with a designer bag and positioned him to do charity 'in the historic center to raise awareness of the new poverty'. In 2020 he applies his X to the mouth of Banksy's migrant (murals of San Pantalon in Venice) to reinforce the message of the great English street artist.
Last update: December 05, 2021