Peter Hide 311065

Peter Hide 311065 (Franco Crugnola) was born in Varese in 1965. Creative by profession, he conceives and designs with his wife the first e-book in history in 1992 (INCIPIT).
He collaborates in the field of design with important companies such as SWATCH and ALESSI and relevant companies in the furniture sector.
His passion for art began in the 1980s during his "gap year" in NYC where he met and met the masters of pop and international street art. Back in Italy, he began his career in the world of art as an independent artist.
He is the precursor (together with G. Colosimo and C. Pietroiusti) of that global artistic current (defined by Luca Beatrice in one of his latest essays "MONEY ART"), which through the systematic use of banknotes in the works, used just as a support-material for work, it probes the delicate relationship between society-economy, individual-money, as a "message" of a contemporary malaise.

Last update: December 05, 2021

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