Festival della Peste! 2021

  • When:   November 17, 2021 - November 10, 2021
  • this event is ended

Contemporary artArt Exhibitions in Milano

Festival della Peste! 2021

From 10 November 2021 the Plague Festival returns! with an unprecedented 'takeaway' format dedicated to the presentation of projects commissioned and created during the year by artists including Sara Leghissa, the photographic collective Cesura, the Catalan illustrator Luci Gutiérrez, as well as the students of the Mohole School.

Wednesday 10 November 19.00-23.00 evening by reservation, free admission.

«What can a festival become without the physical presence of people? How to remain in dialogue even if distant? Starting from these questions and from the pandemic situation we experienced - says Linda Ronzoni, Creative Director of the Foundation - we asked ourselves how to use this complexity to experiment with new formulas of cultural enjoyment.
Hence the decision to create a real festival in the delivery version, designed to bring culture directly home. Like? Through a special numbered artist box, with a design that recalls the most classic pizza cardboard, but which in reality contains an unexpected box of wonders to be discovered, with small extracts of one year's works conducted together with our travel companions . This time it's not a pizza or a sushi that comes home, but a festival. "

Inside, the 'takeaway carton' - which can only be ordered from the morning of Tuesday 9 November via the appropriate form on the website - contains a series of objects that tell an original story about the projects born within the Virus program! of the Foundation, through which the Lazzaretto focuses its attention on a theme every year with the aim of gathering and stimulating heterogeneous and plural views around it. Order / Disorder is the guiding theme of 2021: among the protagonists of this edition, the work of the live artist Sara Leghissa, of the photographic collective Cesura, that of the students of the Mohole School of Milan, as well as two projects signed by the creative team of the Lazzaretto ( an editorial project created in collaboration with the Catalan illustrator Luci Gutiérrez and a mural focused on the theme of the year). The work of the winner of the Lydia Prize, Daniele Costa, will also be presented.

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Title: Festival della Peste! 2021

Opening: November 17, 2021

Ending: November 10, 2021

Organization: Fondazione Il Lazzaretto

Place: Milano, Fondazione Il Lazzaretto

Address: Via Lazzaretto - Milano

More info on this website: https://www.ilfestivaldellapeste.com/2021/