Graphic Days 2024. A kind of future

  • When:   May 16, 2024 - May 26, 2024
  • this event is ended

DesignEvents and art exhibitions in TorinoTorino

Graphic Days 2024. A kind of future

Let's go, finally!
The ninth edition of the Graphic DaysⓇ festival opens on Thursday May 16 at 6pm, at the Flashback Habitat spaces. You can find us at Flashback Habitat (Corso Giovanni Lanza 75) until May 26 2024, every day. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition spaces, it will be possible to attend live performative moments with some guests: Vincent de Boer will produce a calligraphic composition with brushes and inks within the exhibition "Making a point with a line"; at the same time, inspired by the evocative motifs of kilim carpets, an age-old technique of knotting threads, the Nodo - Tufting Torino collective will create an impressive textile work. Matteo Giuntini will print in live printing area together with the Print Club Torino some intaglio engravings starting from linoleum originals, while in the external space it will be possible to see Truly Design at work.

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Title: Graphic Days 2024. A kind of future

Opening: May 16, 2024

Ending: May 26, 2024

Organization: Print Club Torino, associazione plug, agenzia quattrolinee

Place: Torino, Flashback Habitat

Address: Corso Giovanni Lanza, 75 - 10131 Torino

Opening hours: from Monday to Friday h.2.00pm-8.00pm | Saturday and Sunday h.10.00am-10.00pm | Saturday May 25 until midnight

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