Andrea Fraser. May I Help You?

  • September 25, 2024
  • this event is ended

PerformanceEvents and art exhibitions in BolzanoBolzano

Andrea Fraser. May I Help You?
Andrea Fraser and Jeff Preiss, ORCHARD Document: May I Help You?, 1991/2005/2006 Film still (16mm film transferred to HD video, loop). Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York - Paris - Los Angeles

In the context of the retrospective «I just don't like eggs!» Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collections, Transart Festival presents Andrea Fraser's performance May I Help You? (1991/2024).

Performed for the first time in Italy and activated within the Antonio Dalle Nogare Collection, the performance presents six different positions in relationship to cultural objects, each paradigmatic of a different social class. By modulating her voice, posture, language, and relationship to viewers as well as to artworks, Fraser highlights how culture is not only objectified in things but also embodied in people. By performing the dynamics of affirmation and negation that both define and differentiate these positions, Fraser enacts the function of cultural consumption to express social hierarchies as well as our most intimate sense of self.

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Title: Andrea Fraser. May I Help You?

Opening: September 25, 2024

Ending: September 25, 2024

Organization: Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare

Place: Bolzano, Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare

Address: Rafensteiner Weg 19 - Bolzano

Opening: April 13, 2024