Valentine's Day at the Municipal Art Gallery - Città di Castello (PG)

  • February 14, 2023
  • this event is ended

Valentine's Day at the Municipal Art Gallery - Città di Castello (PG)

For Valentine's Day come and visit the Municipal Art Gallery!

Did you know that it is set up in the splendid Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera built for the occasion of a wedding? Yes, exactly the one between the leader Alessandro Vitelli and Angela Paola Rossi of San Secondo Parmense!

We thought that for the whole day of Tuesday February 14th all the couples who come to visit the museum will pay only one full ticket instead of two!

Also at 17:00 we are waiting for you for a thematic guided tour "Love and myth" of the frescoes and works of the Palace.
We will focus our attention on the loves and intrigues of the Palace but also and above all on the love represented in the frescoes and works in the collection
we will be accompanied by the famous couples frescoed in the marvelous monumental staircase, the loves among the myths in the frescoes by Cola dell'Amatrice and Cristoforo Gherardi up to talking about loves represented in the works on display such as the wonderful painting by Giorgio de Chirico "Ettore and Andromaca"

Reservations are required for the guided tour.

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Title: Valentine's Day at the Municipal Art Gallery - Città di Castello (PG)

Opening: February 14, 2023

Ending: February 14, 2023

Organization: Il Poliedro

Place: Città di Castello (PG), Il Poliedro

Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 40 - Città di Castello (PG)

Info: 0758554202 - 0758520656 |

Opening times: 10-13 e 15-18

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