Blank Generation - New York Punk in the Shadow of Palladio",

  • When:   March 31, 2023 - May 14, 2023
  • this event is ended

PhotographyArt Exhibitions in VicenzaThieneVicenza

Blank Generation - New York Punk in the Shadow of Palladio,

The Galleries of Palazzo Thiene will host the works of the two New York photographers, Roberta Bayley and David Godlis, better known as GODLIS, who will be the protagonists of the exhibition "Blank Generation - New York Punk in the Shadow of Palladio", from 31 March to 14 May.
For the first time, the two photographers will be in Italy with an exhibition dedicated to them.

The combination of the precision of a context designed by Andrea Palladio with the 'disorder' of punk artists makes the characteristics of this exhibition even more peculiar. It gives us an important piece of artistic history, drawing us into the particularity of an artistic mood that significantly marked the 1970s. It is worth remembering that Roberta Baylay and Godlis experienced the New York punk scene of those years in a direct and continuous way, living its dawn and forging deep relationships with the artists they portrayed.

Through 36 original photographs from that period, it will be possible to experience again the City of New York in the mid-1970s, to look back over the stages that led to the birth of one of the most enduring stylistic and artistic forms among youth subcultures: Punk.
The two New York photographers will be present in person during the first weekend of opening, from 31 March to 2 April.

The event and exhibition are organised by Andrea Compagnin, creator and curator, and Matteo Bussi with the patronage of the Municipality of Vicenza and in collaboration with AGSM-AIM, Toyota Oliviero, Stand By, Blunt Skateshop, Essequadro Arte e Cornici, Oca Bianca da Ugo, and The Music Photo Gallery.

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Title: Blank Generation - New York Punk in the Shadow of Palladio",

Opening: March 31, 2023

Ending: May 14, 2023

Organization: Andrea Compagnin

Place: Vicenza, Gallerie di Palazzo Thiene

Address: Contrà, Via S. Gaetano Thiene, 11 - 36100 Vicenza