From 11 March to 21 May 2023, the Diocesan Museum of Brescia hosts the review Ceruti sacred and painting in Brescia between Ricci and Tiepolo, curated by Angelo Loda, head of the historical-artistic sector of the ABAP Superintendency for the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia , assisted by a scientific committee composed of Andrea Crescini, Fiorenzo Fisogni, Fiorella Frisoni, Stefano L'Occaso, Francesco Nezosi and Filippo Piazza, which will analyze the limited production of works of a sacred nature created by Giacomo Ceruti during his stay in the province of Brescia and from other subsequent works and which will enrich the exhibition itinerary of the review dedicated to the eighteenth-century master, scheduled from 14 February to 28 May 2023, at the Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia.
Title: Ceruti sacro e la pittura a Brescia tra Ricci e Tiepolo
Opening: March 11, 2023
Ending: May 21, 2023
Curator: Angelo Loda
Place: Brescia, Museo Diocesano
Address: Via Gasparo da Salò, 13 - Brescia (BS)
More info on this website: https://museodiocesano.brescia.it/
Facebook: museodiocesanobrescia