Cracking Art. Incanto

  • When:   July 03, 2021 - October 17, 2021
  • this event is ended

Contemporary artArt Exhibitions in Trieste

Cracking Art. Incanto
Cracking Art, Incanto, Trieste | Italia 2021. Crediti fotografici Cracking Art

Over 120 colorful works of various sizes are ready to invade the city of Trieste: from July 3 to October 17, 2021, Cracking Art, one of the most famous contemporary art phenomena in the world, arrives in the Julian capital with the exhibition Incanto.

By magic, as by magic, in a sudden and unpredictable way, as by magic.
This is the atmosphere that will be breathed in Trieste through the appearance of surprising creatures, which will take up residence in the historic architecture of the city.
A "widespread" exhibition that will affect not only outdoor spaces but also indoor ones that have already hosted illustrious artists in the past and are usually used for exhibition and institutional events.
Starting right from the wonderful Salone degli Incanti - from which the exhibition takes its name and where an invasion of colored snails will take possession of the place with the light and fabulous spirit of a wonderful game -, the most significant places in the city will be populated with huge animals with bright colors that will make the heart of Trieste an open-air art gallery.

Leaving the space of Riva Nazario Sauro, visitors will in fact be invited to explore a path that involves other places in the city (from piazza Hortis to piazza Cavana, piazza Verdi, piazza della Borsa; from the Palazzo della Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste - now home to the CRTrieste Foundation - in Piazza Ponterosso in Via delle Torri, up to the Hilton Hotel in Piazza della Repubblica) where various works will be installed, with an invitation to visit and re-appropriate urban areas with a renewed and magical spirit.

Animated by snails, swallows, rabbits, crocodiles, elephants, penguins, wolves and frogs, Trieste is transformed into a special museum without barriers where nature and respect for it are always the protagonists.

The exhibition is designed and desired free and open, so that it can be within everyone's reach, not only in terms of accessibility but also so that it can be internalized by stimulating the reactions and attention of the individual and - at the same time - of the community towards important issues of social interest.... read the rest of the article»

Plastic, in fact, transforms itself and becomes a means of communication: from a simple material of common use and a substance potentially harmful to the environment, it shapes itself, becoming a decorative element and a source of inspiration.

The Cracking Art installations - a movement known throughout the world for its attention to the environment, for its strong environmental commitment and for the practice of regeneration that has made its creations iconic - are inserted and confronted with the history and architecture of places that host them and come alive with the empathic interactions that are established with the public. Each work, with the subject represented, is the bearer of a message that each visitor is called to interpret and spread.

Furthermore, every Sunday, at 11.00 am, free guided tours for groups of the exhibition will be offered, departing from the Salone degli Incanti and discovering the various installations around the city. Reservation is mandatory.

Incanto is an exhibition of the Municipality of Trieste, organized by the Arthemisia Group and curated by the Cracking Art collective.

Cracking Art

The Cracking Art movement was born in 1993 with the aim of radically changing the history of art through a strong social and environmental commitment which, combined with the revolutionary use of plastic materials, highlights the increasingly close relationship between natural life and artificial reality. The term Cracking Art derives from the English verb "to crack", which describes the act of cracking, breaking, breaking, yielding, collapsing. The chemical reaction that transforms crude oil into plastic is also called with the name of catalytic cracking: for artists this is the moment in which the natural exchanges into artificial, the organic into synthetic, and it is this process that they intend to represent through their art.

The works are created to inspire a conversation at a community level about the importance and environmental impact of regeneration, which is expressed through engaging performative actions, in which off-scale installations - such as the famous colorful animals - invade the most varied places spaces properly delegated to art to those of everyday life. Regenerating plastic means removing it from toxic and devastating destruction for the environment by giving it new life, making it works of art means communicating through an innovative aesthetic language expressing a particular sensitivity towards nature.

The choral dimension of the group does not limit the individual expression of the individual voices: the artists also work independently interpreting, each according to their needs, the problems and tensions of our time.

In addition to the three official participations in the Venice Biennale (2001, 2011 and 2013), the most recent exhibitions and installations include: Natura Indomita (2020), in Teramo; En Plein Air (2020), in San Benedetto del Tronto; Wild Rising (2019), at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona (USA); Regeneration @ Newhollandisland (2019), at New Holland Island, Saint Petersburg (Russia); Spectaculars Creatures (2018), at IMA Indianapolis Museum of Art - Indianapolis (USA); BarocCracking (2018), at Palazzo Leoni Montanari - Gallerie d’Italia, Vicenza (Italy); Cracking Art @ Hangang Art Park (2018) at Hangang Park, Seoul (Korea).

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Title: Cracking Art. Incanto

Opening: July 03, 2021

Ending: October 17, 2021

Organization: Gruppo Arthemisia

Curator: Cracking Art

Place: Salone degli Incanti e altri luoghi di Trieste

Address: Riva Nazario Sauro, 1 - 34123 Trieste

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