Holy art

Art exhibitions, events and festivals

Holy artexhibitions Firenze

The Treasure of the Holy Land at Museo Marino Marin

Museo Marino Marini in Florence hosts "The Treasure of the Holy Land at Museo Marino Marini" until 7 January 2025, sacred masterpieces tell centuries of faith and patronage of the arts.

September 13, 2024 - January 07, 2025

Toscana, Firenze evento concluso

Holy artexhibitions Brescia

Ceruti sacro e la pittura a Brescia tra Ricci e Tiepolo

From 11 March to 21 May 2023, the Diocesan Museum of Brescia hosts the review Ceruti sacred and painting in Brescia between Ricci and Tiepolo, curated by Angelo Loda, head of the historical-artistic sector of the ABAP Superintendency...

March 11, 2023 - May 21, 2023

Lombardia, Brescia evento concluso

Holy artexhibitions Brescia

Abitare l’eternità. Sonia Costantini e l’icona sacra

From 16 January to 26 March 2023, the Diocesan Museum of Brescia hosts the exhibition "Abitare l’eternità" which compares the rich collection of icons of Russian origin, made between the 17th and 20th centuries, of the...

January 16, 2023 - March 26, 2023

Lombardia, Brescia evento concluso

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