La Chola Poblete. Guaymallén

  • When:   September 13, 2024 - October 20, 2024
  • this event is ended

Contemporary artPhotographyArt Exhibitions in MilanoMudecMilano

La Chola Poblete. Guaymallén
Immagine in locandina: La Chola Poblete, 2023 Foto: Tomas Wurschmidt / © La Chola Poblete

From 13 September to 20 October 2024, MUDEC in Milan will present, together with Deutsche Bank and in collaboration with 24 ORE Cultura, the exhibition Guaymallén by the Argentinian artist La Chola Poblete, winner in 2023 of the prestigious international "Artist of the Year" award dedicated by the Bank to contemporary art, and who was recently celebrated with a special mention for her contribution to the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.
The exhibition is curated by Britta Färber, Global Head of Art & Culture at Deutsche Bank.

After opening at PalaisPopulaire in Berlin, the "Artist of the Year" exhibition returns to MUDEC in Milan, thus continuing the important collaboration between Deutsche Bank and 24 ORE Cultura, which started in 2022 thanks to a common focus on contemporary languages and topics, and with the shared intention of presenting to the Italian public some of the most interesting artists on the international scene, who distinguished themselves for the originality of their research and the creativity of their work. Once again, this year, in order to bring the widest possible audience closer to the most topical artistic issues, the exhibition will be complemented by a rich cultural schedule, planned by 24 Ore Cultura with the support of Fondazione Deutsche Bank Italia, with a series of free activities for schools, adults and children, including guided tours and educational workshops, which will kick off with an Artist Talk where La Chola will share with the public the most relevant insights of her work.

Deutsche Bank has been committed to promoting contemporary art for more than 40 years, and since 2010 it has been awarding the annual prize "Artist of the Year" to emerging artists whose work is of social and artistic relevance and offers new perspectives on today's world. The winner of the prize is chosen upon recommendation by the bank's Global Art Advisory Council, which consists of internationally renowned curators such as Victoria Noorthoorn, Hou Hanru and Udo Kittelmann. Instead of awarding a cash prize, Deutsche Bank supports its Artists of the Year by making them known to the general public, preparing solo exhibitions and catalogues, and acquiring some of their works for the Deutsche Bank Collection, which was established in 1980 and is now one of the most important corporate collections worldwide. The choice has been to traditionally open the "Artist of the Year" solo exhibition at PalaisPopulaire, Deutsche Bank's space in Berlin dedicated to art and culture, and then to display it in other international institutions.

2023 is the year of La Chola Poblete, who with the Guaymallén project pays homage to her indigenous origins and queer identity. The exhibition, which takes its name from her hometown in northern Argentina, Mendoza, at the foothills of the Andes, combines the artist's life, roots, experience and vision into a deeply personal and forthright narrative, rich in beauty, cruelty and rebellion.

Artist, performer and LGBTQ+ rights activist, in her work La Chola Poblete (1989) critically analyses the consequences of colonialism and white supremacy in her country, Argentina. Through different media such as sculpture, painting, performance, drawing, watercolour and photography, she reflects on her indigenous and queer roots and stands against the stereotyping and exoticisation of indigenous peoples, dealing with the historical role of women, transvestites and transsexuals, expressions of femininity that have been preyed upon or marginalised by religious and patriarchal power structures.
These topics are linked to a broader reflection concerning the position of the artist in the art world in relation to her identity (transsexual, indigenous) and the role of Western institutions in determining the canons of what we call "art", a process that is not only a historical product but actively depends on certain ideological and post-colonial conditions.... read the rest of the article»

For Guaymallén, the artist designed a space that recalls the Andean Baroque architectural style, redefining Mudec Photo's spaces as an extraordinary contemporary "church of design", a place populated by religious, political, erotic, pop-cultural and indigenous motifs and symbols overlapping each other, thus creating an immersive environment where stories of salvation, virgins, martyrs and ancient goddesses are filtered through the lenses of self-emancipation, healing and subversive claims.

In particular, the exhibition presents a series of new works created with the use of a very special technique, which involves baking sculptures made with bread dough, a material that has a life of its own and is transformed into something new, beyond the artist's control.
This peculiarity led to the collaboration with Panificio Davide Longoni for the Italian stage of Guaymallén, a historic Milanese bakery where La Chola will bake some life-size anthropomorphic sculptures, thus establishing a parallelism between the ritual of bread-making and that of artistic creation.

In addition to a series of large-scale watercolours, the exhibition will also present a new series of three photographic works where La Chola interprets the main character, drawing inspiration from mythological figures such as the Capitoline she-wolf in the work La Loba (The She-Wolf), as well as from Christian iconography in La Virgen de la leche (Madonna Lactans), where the artist feeds with her milk into the mouth of a Mormon - a very common religious group in Argentina - thus making a clear reference to the exploitation brought about by colonialism. The third work, printed on a T-shirt, shows an extreme situation involving La Chola herself being skinned.

With her art, which can be both brutally candid and peppered with acerbic humour, La Chola Poblete dismantles established hierarchies and orders, challenges cultural paradigms and gender taxonomies, and questions stereotypes and clichés constructed by the narratives of Western patriarchal domination in our modern world.

Thanks to the collaboration with Deutsche Bank for the "Artist of the Year" project, Mudec further confirms its role as a space devoted to experimentation and the most innovative languages, where the ideas and practices of some of the most important artists on the contemporary scene - such as Maxwell Alexandre, Conny Maier Zhang Xu Zhan and LuYang - have found maximum expression.

After Wangechi Mutu (2010), Yto Barrada (2011), Roman Ondàk (2012), Imran Qureshi (2013), Victor Man (2014), Koki Tanaka (2015), Basim Magdy (2016), Kemang Wa Lehulere (2017), Caline Aoun (2018-2019), Maxwell Alexandre, Conny Maier and Zhang Xu Zhan (2020 – 2021), Lu Yang (2022), and La Chola Poblete (2023), the "Artist of the Year" for 2024 is Rohini Devasher.

La Chola Poblete
La Chola Poblete (1989 Mendoza, Argentina) is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Buenos Aires.
She took part in several solo and collective exhibitions in Argentina and abroad.
Her solo exhibitions include Ejercicios del llanto (Exercise in Weeping) at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires (2022), curated by Victoria Noorthoorn, the museum's director, who proposed La Chola Poblete to the Deutsche Bank's Global Art Advisory Council as "Artist of the Year" 2023.
Deutsche Bank's award paved the way to the exhibition Guaymallén, which was first presented at Palais Populaire in Berlin (2023) and then at MUDEC in Milan (2024). Her solo exhibitions were held at Kunsthalle in Lisbon (2023), Pasto Gallery in Buenos Aires (2021) and at the Carlos Alonso Museum in Mendoza (2019). She took part in collective exhibitions at the POGGI Gallery in Cavaillon, France (2022), ISLAA Institute of Studies on Latin American Arts in New York (2022), Centro Internacional Das Artes José de Guimarães in Lisbon (2022), and at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires (2021).
In 2024, she exhibited at the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale a work named Foreigners Everywhere, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, receiving a special mention from the jury. In 2023, she participated in the 22nd edition of the SESC_Videobrasil International Contemporary Art Festival in São Paulo and in 2024 she has a dedicated booth at Art Basel.

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Title: La Chola Poblete. Guaymallén

Opening: September 13, 2024

Ending: October 20, 2024

Organization: Mudec

Curator: Britta Färber

Place: Milano, Mudec

Address: Via Tortona 56 - 20144 Milano

More info on this website:

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