Lucio Fontana. L’origine du monde

  • When:   March 02, 2023 - September 13, 2023
  • this event is ended

Painting of the 20th centuryArt Exhibitions in FirenzeFontanaFirenze

Lucio Fontana. L’origine du monde
Lucio Fontana, Ambiente spaziale (dettaglio), 1949, gouache su carta, 46,5 x 37,5 cm © Fondazione Lucio Fontana, by SIAE 2023

In Florence, the exhibition dedicated to Lucio Fontana's sculptures and drawings will be open to visitors from 2 March to 13 September 2023. Through the exhibition, we will try to explore some aspects that are still little explored in the work of the Italian-Argentine master, one of the most innovations of the last century, such as the original relationship between artistic creation, procreation and birth of life in the universe, and the relationship between the finite and infinite world.

The exhibition makes use of the support and loan of a substantial group of works from the Lucio Fontana Foundation.

Special thanks to the Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght and Giò Marconi.
We also thank Hotel Savoy della Rocco Forte Hotels and Ginori 1735.

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Title: Lucio Fontana. L’origine du monde

Opening: March 02, 2023

Ending: September 13, 2023

Organization: Museo Novecento

Place: Firenze, Museo Novecento

Address: Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 10 - Firenze

More info on this website:

Facebook: MuseoNovecentoFirenze