Art Exhibitions in Novara and surroundings

Contemporary art and major exhibitions in 2025 in the city and its surroundings

Painting of the 19th centuryModern art

Painting of the 19th centuryexhibitions Novara

The Myth of Venice. From Hayez to the Biennale

To celebrate the 1600th anniversary of the city of Venice, whose foundation has traditionally been set on 25 March of the year 421, Mets Percorsi d'Arte, the Castello Foundation and the Municipality of Novara propose the...

October 30, 2021 - March 13, 2022

Piemonte, Novara evento concluso

Modern artexhibitions Varese

Andy Warhol. Serial Identity

From 22 January to 18 June 2023, the MA*GA hosts an exhibition dedicated to Andy Warhol. Over 200 iconic works alongside a large section dedicated to the films of the American artist

January 22, 2023 - June 18, 2023

Lombardia, Varese evento concluso

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