Art Exhibitions in Prato and surroundings / Contemporary art

Contemporary art and major exhibitions in 2025 in the city and its surroundings

Contemporary artexhibitions Prato

Claudia Losi. Oltre il giardino

Oltre il giardino, a solo exhibition by Claudia Losi, curated by Leonardo Regano and part of our On Weaving cultural program.

September 12, 2024 - November 10, 2024

Toscana, Prato evento concluso

Contemporary artexhibitions Prato

Hi Woman! La notizia del futuro

From 11 December 2021 Palazzo Pretorio brings 22 international artists to Prato for the Hi Woman! The news of the future by Francesco Bonami and promoted by the Municipality of Prato - Palazzo Pretorio Museum.

December 11, 2021 - March 27, 2022

Toscana, Prato evento concluso

Contemporary artexhibitions Prato

L'arte e la città / Art and the city

From 20 November 2021 the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art. welcomes the exhibition "L'arte e la città / Art and the city" curated by Stefano Pezzato, Head of Collections and Archives of the Pecci Center. In collaboration...

November 20, 2021 - June 12, 2022

Toscana, Prato evento concluso

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