Tullio Crali. A Life for Futurism

  • When:   April 12, 2024 - September 29, 2024
  • this event is ended

Modern artArt Exhibitions in GoriziaFuturismoGorizia

Tullio Crali. A Life for Futurism

Until September 29, 2024, the exhibition titled 'Tullio Crali: A Life for Futurism' is taking place at the Monastery of Santa Chiara in Gorizia, entirely dedicated to Tullio Crali (Igalo, Dalmatia, 1910 – Milan 2000), one of the protagonists of the second Futurism and among the foremost exponents of aeropainting.

The exhibition features over 200 works, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, architectural projects, stage designs, advertisements, 'stone syntheses' (particular sculptures produced using stones and other natural objects), and other experimental creations of the painter who has always been tied to the city of Gorizia.

Part of a series of initiatives within the 'GO!2025' path leading the city towards the designation as European Capital of Culture for 2025, the exhibition represents the largest display ever dedicated to Crali in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It's a unique opportunity to admire the material collected in one location, celebrating the artist's roots deeply intertwined with the territory.

The exhibition also stands out for the presence of works from the period between 1919 and 1929, a crucial decade in which Julian Futurism was born and developed. Visitors will have the opportunity to admire paintings, drawings, and photos by important authors such as Čargo, Carmelich, Černigoj, Claris, Cossar, Demanins, Dolfi, Farfa, Fattorello, Mix, Pilon, Pocarini, Sanzin, Spazzapan, Stepancic, Vucetich, and Wulz. Some of these works, still little known to the general public, form a significant archive highlighting the importance of these artists in the context of regional and national Futurism.

Curated by Marino De Grassi, the exhibition is open to the public free of charge until September 29, from Friday to Sunday and on public holidays, with the possibility of guided tours every Sunday and on public holidays.

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Title: Tullio Crali. A Life for Futurism

Opening: April 12, 2024

Ending: September 29, 2024

Curator: Marino de Grassi

Place: Gorizia, Museo di Santa Chiara

Address: Corso Giuseppe Verdi, 18 - Gorizia (GO)