Michelangelo Pistoletto


Contemporary artexhibitions Brindisi

Michelangelo Pistoletto. Love Difference

Fondazione San Domenico Onlus, with the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the Apulia Region and the City of Fasano, presents the restoration of the former IMARFA.

June 19, 2024 - October 20, 2024

Puglia, Brindisi evento concluso

Modern artContemporary artPainting of the 20th centuryexhibitions Trento

Botticelli. Il suo tempo. E il nostro tempo

The Botticelli exhibition can be visited at the Mart from 22 May to 29 August 2021. Its time. It is our time. The undisputed protagonist of "his time and our time" is Sandro Botticelli present in Rovereto with a significant...

May 22, 2021 - August 29, 2021

Trentino Alto Adige, Trento evento concluso

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