Stefano Cescon
Stefano Cescon, born in Pordenone in 1989. After graduating with honors in Decoration at the Venice Academy, he focuses his artistic research around a path aimed at discovering the expressive potential of beeswax.
He is an emerging artist, working in Venice (Italy), particularly known for his wax works between sculpture and painting, characterized by multiple colored layers. The research developed in the last few years of work is based on the dialectical relationship between specular elements: the balance between surface forces (lateral and frontal) and the tonal passages. Where the shape is constrained or contained in a geometric structure, the wax stands as a counterbalance capable of restoring softness and expressiveness to the final result.
The artist explains the work that earned him the title of winner of the eighth Cramum prize: "The Honey Boxes series was born from the need to propose a way to make the daily practice of painting dialogue and the virtual aesthetic experience that every day each of us experiments in social showcases. In my research I use paraffin (an artificial mixture derived from petroleum) beeswax and pigments. The balance between antithetical aspects, natural and artificial, human and meta-human, becomes therefore my personal path for a virtuous dialogue between the parties, not only in art ".
Last update: September 26, 2021
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Instagram: stefanocescon.hb