Francesco Diluca

Francesco Diluca, born in Milan in 1979, attended painting and sculpture courses at the Brera Academy where he graduated with honors in 2004. He lives and works in Milan. His first significant exhibition was Salon I 1999 at Palazzo della Permanente in Milan. In 2003, he received the second prize for the sculpture "Icarus" exhibited at Palazzo Reale in the exhibition "Volare." 2008 marked the year of his first solo exhibition titled "Fresco di fabbrica" at Fabbrica Eos. The sculptures from the series "Il Senso dell'Assenza" were featured in "Cocoon," his solo exhibition in 2010 at the Fabbrica Eos gallery in Milan. "Lamiere al vento" was the title of his solo exhibition at the Contemporaneamente gallery in Parma. In 2011, he participated in the 54th Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion located in Turin, Sala Nervi, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi. That same year, he created "Ultima cena" for the Casa Testori Foundation for the exhibition "Giorni Felici 2011." In 2012, the sculpture "Noluntas" was selected for the Italy China Biennale curated by Ivan Quaroni and Wang Chuchen at Villa Reale in Monza. 2014 began with the group exhibition "Materie" at the MUST museum (Vimercate) and Palazzo G. Silva. He then participated in the Italy China Biennale 2014 held at the 798 Art District in Beijing. "Tracce di contemporaneo 2014" showcased his works at Villa Confalonieri in Merate as part of the Bugatti collection. "Memento" was the title of the work selected for the group exhibition "Una solitudine troppo rumorosa" at the Nuova Galleria Morone. The MAR Museum in Ravenna dedicated a solo exhibition to him from November 2014 to January 2015. In 2016, he participated in the group exhibition "Cities they are a-changin" at the Fabbrica del vapore in Milan. In 2017, he took part in "Streetscape6" at the Paolo Giovio Archaeological Museum. In the same year, during ArteFiera 2017 and ArtCityBologna, he inaugurated "Sequela," a group exhibition, at the former church of San Mattia Polo Museale dell'Emilia-Romagna. The Ratti space, the former church of San Francesco in Como, hosted the solo exhibition "Germina." Among his most recent solo exhibitions are: in 2018 "Arché" at the Paolo Giovio Archaeological Museum and "Tempo" at the Museum delle Cappuccine and Convento San Francesco Bagnacavallo; in 2019 "Radicarsi" at the Bernareggi Museum in Bergamo, former oratory of San Lupo; in 2022 the major retrospective "Giardini" staged in the historic spaces of the city of Lodi.

Last update: May 12, 2024

Mostre ed eventi pubblicati su

Contemporary artSculpture

Francesco Diluca. Rarica

From April 20th to September 30th, 2024, Francesco Diluca's sculptures pay homage to Sicily from the sea of Castello Maniace in Ortigia and amidst the nature of the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo.

April 20, 2024 - September 30, 2024



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