Luca Alinari

Luca Alinari was born in Florence on October 27, 1943 and died, also in his city, on March 15, 2019.

From a very young age he loves painting and, like all children, draws and paints. Over time, however, this passion turns into a reason for living.

After attending the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, he deals with literary criticism writing literary reviews for some magazines of the time. He also founded his own magazine “Signorina Rosina”, in the written and television communication sector, but he lives actively within the intellectual and artistic world.

It was 1968 when he prepared his first personal exhibition in his city, Florence, where he exhibited at the Galleria Inquadrature.

From this moment on, Alinari became an important intellectual in the Italian and gradually international cultural scene, even exhibiting in China.
He obtains his first recognitions in the 1980s with his participation in the Venice Biennale and the X and XI Quadriennale in Rome and then it will be a succession of very important exhibitions and works such as his self-portrait exhibited in the Corriodoio Vasariano and then purchased by the Uffizi themselves. or the logo design of the 2013 World Cycling Championships.

His works are a combination of objects and figures within fantastic and suspended atmospheres, ranging from the suggestions of Neodada research to Pop Art. His continuous experimentation leads him to master different painting techniques, in which fluorescent colors are always protagonists. combined with decals, collages and photographic transpositions.

Last update: November 01, 2021

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