Casale Città Aperta

  • When:   February 11, 2023 - February 12, 2023
  • this event is ended

Public eventsEvents and art exhibitions in Alessandria

Casale Città Aperta
Leonardo Bistolfi - Gli Amanti

On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 February 2023 the always appreciated Casale Città Aperta returns, the traditional initiative to raise awareness of the city's monuments and museums organized by the Department of Culture - Civic Museum in collaboration with the Orizzonte Casale Association.

As per tradition, the event will take place in conjunction with the Sunday dedicated to the antiques market set up at the Pavia market and will allow tourists and visitors to find open:

Castello del Monferrato: with the possibility of climbing the ramparts and inside the towers and visiting the exhibitions set up in the interiors for free: Saturday from 15.00 to 19.00 and Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00, 00 to 19.00.
Cathedral of Sant'Evasio: Saturday and Sunday from 15.00 to 17.30.
Church of San Domenico: can be visited on Saturdays from 3.00 to 5.30 pm.
Church of Santa Caterina: Saturday from 15.00 to 18.00 and Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.00 with entrance from via Trevigi, 16 (Palazzo Trevisio).
Torre Civica: Saturday from 15.30 to 18.30 and Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30.
Palazzo Gozani di San Giorgio, seat of the Municipality, it will be possible to visit the rooms on the main floor: the Council Chamber, the Gallery, the Green Room, the Red Room and the Yellow Room, decorated with the splendid frescoes by Francesco Lorenzi dedicated to mythological themes. Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30.
Historical-military itinerary of Monferrato (Coordination of Weapon Associations in via Martiri di Nassiriya 8): Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 with exhibition of an interesting and vast documentary and photographic heritage kept by the Coordination.
Historical-cultural itinerary of military origins (National Alpini Association, via De Cristoforis 16): Saturday from 9.00 to 11.30; Sunday from 9.30 to 11.30 with notice the day before on 339 415 9256. The venue exhibits an interesting and vast historical, documentary, book and artistic heritage.

The Municipal Theater will not be open to visitors as it was chosen as the venue for the 32nd National Anti-Mafia Summit 2023 over the weekend. The church of San Michele will not be open in February, but visits will resume in March.
It will also be possible to take part in a free walk conducted by the volunteers of the Orizzonte Casale association lasting about an hour to discover the main city monuments. Meeting at the kiosk in Piazza Castello (in front of the Municipal Theater) on Sunday at 3.00pm.

The following museums will also be open at the weekend:... read the rest of the article»

Civic Museum and Bistolfi Gipsoteca with free admission on Saturday and Sunday from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.30. Located in the former Convent of Santa Croce, frescoed at the beginning of the seventeenth century by Guglielmo Caccia known as Moncalvo, it includes the Pinacoteca, with the exhibition of about 250 works including paintings and sculptures, and the Leonardo Bistolfi Gipsoteca, one of the few Italian collections able to illustrate the entire creative path of a sculptor in its entirety, with 170 sculptures by the symbolist master, originally from Casale, who achieved international fame. The collection of Carlo Vidua is exhibited in the underground room, with the travel testimonies collected by the traveler from Monferrato during three trips around the world at the beginning of the 19th century. The museum will offer a free guided tour of the collections of the Bistolfi Gipsoteca curated by Dario Salvadeo on Sunday at 11; no reservation is required. On Saturday and Sunday it will also be possible to visit the Bistolfi Collection (donated in 2021 by the sculptor's heirs) at four fixed times: at 11.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 17.00.
The Synagogue and the Jewish Museums will be open on Sundays from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 with paid admission: built in 1595, a monument of great historical and artistic interest, the Jewish Temple today is presented in its Piedmontese Rococo Baroque splendor (1700-1800). The Jewish Museum is annexed, which exhibits numerous silverware, fabrics and cult objects.

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Title: Casale Città Aperta

Opening: February 11, 2023

Ending: February 12, 2023

Organization: Assessorato alla Cultura – Museo Civico

Place: Casale Monferrato (AL)

Address: Casale Monferrato (AL)