On Thursday 6th April 2023, LABS Contemporary Art is pleased to present Black Box, solo exhibition of Slovak artist Milan Vagač. The exhibition presents a selection of previously unseen works, born out of the reflection on the relationship between man and technology.
In contemporary aesthetics, the spectator is more and more fascinated by the seductive surface of the device, never questioning its internal mechanisms.
Vagač’s such things, packed beneath the plastic cover of the apparatus, remain inaccessible to the ordinary user, since they are hidden in black boxes.
The series Gizmo, term which is normally used for a device or machine which performs a particular task, usually in a new and efficient way, but of which one does not know the true name, is a clear reference to the concept of “black blox”. The artist, through the medium of painting, realizes illusory surfaces of abstract devices, showing hidden layers and mechanisms. The spectator cannot help but being fascinated by the painting structure thanks to the canvases transparency and to the anatomy of the wooden frame.
The exhibition is accompanied by a text by Domenico de Chirico LABS Contemporary Art
Title: Milan Vagač. Black Box
Opening: April 06, 2023
Ending: June 03, 2023
Organization: LABS Contemporary Art
Place: Bologna, LABS Contemporary Art
Address: Via Santo Stefano 38 - 40125 Bologna
Opening 6th April 2023, h. 4 pm – 9pm
From Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
More info on this website: https://www.labsgallery.it/
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