FMAV - Fondazione Modena Arti Visive

Indirizzo: Palazzo Santa Margherita, Corso Canalgrande, 103 - 41121 Modena

Tel: +39 059 2032911


Fondazione Modena Arti Visive is a center of cultural production and of professional and didactic training aimed at spreading contemporary art and visual culture and acting as a point of reference in the interaction between different artistic disciplines and languages and in the dialogue between the arts, science and technologies.

Thanks to the multiplicity of the offices it manages and collecting the legacy of the three institutions merged into it - Civic Gallery of Modena, Modena Photography Foundation, Figurine Museum - Modena Visual Arts Foundation, it presents itself as a cultural district that proposes and organizes exhibitions and courses of advanced training, workshops, performances and conferences, enhancing its heritage and building a system of networks at a local and extra-territorial level aimed at enriching the community in which it operates.

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