Galleria Doria Pamphilj

The Gallery is open every day, except the third Wednesday of the month, from 10.00 to 20.00 (last admission at 18.00).
Closing days: 1st January, Easter and 25th December. Third Wednesday of the month.
SINGLE TICKET including compulsory reservation: € 14.00 + € 1.00
FREE TICKET including compulsory reservation: € 1.00 - Children under the age of 12

Indirizzo: Via del Corso, 305 - Roma


Palazzo Doria Pamphilj has housed a private collection unique in the world for centuries. It is not only the quality and value of these masterpieces that amazes, but also their number: the works are so many that they completely cover the walls of the Apartments and the arms of the splendid Gallery. It would have been impossible to describe the entire collection here in detail.
In this section you will therefore find a selection of the greatest masterpieces exhibited at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, sorted alphabetically according to the names of the authors. Among these, in addition to Italian artists known all over the world such as Caravaggio, Titian, Raphael, you will also find many Flemish masters of the Baroque era, a real flagship of the Doria Pamphilj collection.

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