Luca Crocicchi
Luca Crocicchi was born in Castello di Cantagallo, Florence, in 1958. His first experiences with painting date back to the 1970s. In 1984 Giovanni Testori invited him to take part in the collective exhibition Artisti e Scrittori at Rotonda della Besana in Milan. In 1985 he held his first solo exhibition at Compagnia del Disegno in Milan. In 1986 he exhibited at Palazzo Novellucci in Prato. In the following years he took part in group exhibitions in Italy (such as Biennale di Arte Sacra e Contemporanea at Magazzini del Sale in Siena, Vitalità della Figurazione exhibition at Palazzo della Permanente in Milan, Michetti Prize in Francavilla al Mare) and abroad (including an exhibition in Lisbon and one at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Bruxelles) and had solo shows in Modena and Naples, in public and private spaces. In the meantime he stayed for some time in Paris and Rome, where in 1996 he participated in the XII Quadriennale di Roma, winning the Chamber of Deputies Prize. In 1997, again in Rome, he was one of the protagonists of Dieci giovani artisti alla Quadriennale di Palazzo Montecitorio. In 1998 he held a solo exhibition at Palazzo Sarcinelli, in Conegliano, and was invited to The project of Essence at Nicolas Sursock Museum in Beirut, then at Al- Assad National Library in Damascus, at Royal Cultural Centre in Amman, at Yarmouk University in Irbid and at Gezira Arte Center Zamalek in Cairo. After another stay in Paris, he returned to Italy and was the protagonist of an anthological exhibition curated by Marco Goldin. Numerous other personal and collective exhibitions followed, including La pittura ritrovata, at Complesso del Vittoriano in Rome; Venti artisti a Sassocorvaro curated by Dino Gavina, at Rocca di Sassocorvaro; Il Novecento e oltre, Storia delle Arti figurative nella Prato del tardo Novecento at Antiche Stanze di Santa Caterina in Prato. In 2003 he was among the artists of the exhibitions Giovanni Testori, i segreti di Milano at Palazzo Reale, Da Tiziano a De Chirico at Castello di San Michele in Cagliari and Da Antonello da Messina a De Chirico at Albergo delle Povere in Palermo and he had a solo exhibition at Galleria Comunale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Arezzo, presented by Umberto Cecchi and Vittorio Sgarbi. In 2004 he presented several paintings at Moderni e Contemporanei, 100 opere, curated by Dino Gavina. The following year he exhibited at Cartiera Papale in Ascoli Piceno, again with a solo show, and at Museo Civico di San Sepolcro in Arezzo, in a group show. He took part in many exhibitions in the 2000s too: in Stupinigi, in Il Male; in Milan in Arte Italiana Pittura; in Siena and Bologna in Arte, Genio e Follia and in Recanati, with a solo exhibition dedicated to Leopardi. In 2011 he was at the Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion and in 2012 in Germany at Panorama Museum in Bad Frankenhauseun, in the exhibition Dopo de Chirico, La pittura metafisica italiana contemporanea. In 2013 he exhibited in Bologna, at Palazzo Notai. In 2015 he was at Expo, in the exhibition Il tesoro d'Italia and at ExpoArteContemporaneaItaliana in Varedo, both curated by Vittorio Sgarbi. In 2016 in Vimercate he took part in the exhibition dedicated to Giovanni Testori La vocazione dei fuori-legge at spazio Heart, the same exhibition was also held in 2017 at Chiostro del Voltorre, Gavirate, Varese. In the same year he was part of the exhibition curated by Vittorio Sgarbi Museo della follia. Da Goya a Maradona, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Naples and in Pesaro with the exhibition Oltre il limite at Centro Arti Visive. In 2017 the traveling exhibition Museo della follia. Da Goya a Maradona was at Museo di Salò, again in Naples in 2018 and in Lucca in 2019. At Palazzo Doebbing in Sutri (VT), Dialoghi a Sutri, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, 2019. In 2020 in Bormio, La Milanesiana, L'origine della luce, exhibition curated by Elisabetta Sgarbi and Maria Cristina Garulli.
Last update: November 22, 2021