Performanceexhibitions Palermo
Stefania Gesualdo. (Se la memoria ha futuro) | (If Memory Has a Future
The work and performance of Stefania Gesualdo is on display in Palermo from October 16 to November 20 2024.
Sicilia, Palermo evento concluso
Andrea Fraser. May I Help You?
In the context of the retrospective «I just don't like eggs!» Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collections, Transart Festival presents Andrea Fraser's performance May I Help You?.
Trentino Alto Adige, Bolzano evento concluso
Crushing Destiny. Performance by Andi Kacziba
Raffaella De Chirico presents Crushing Destiny, a performance by Hungarian-born artist Andi Kacziba. The event will take place on 16 April 2023 inside the Sala delle Colonne della Fabbrica del Vapore in via Giulio Cesare...
Lombardia, Milano evento concluso
With “Sit Down To Have An Idea” Andrea Bianconi arrives on July 17th in the heart of Vicenza for the performance “The Millennium Chair” created by the Coppola Foundation in collaboration with Casa Testori.