Van Gogh in Trieste

  • When:   February 22, 2024 - June 30, 2024
  • this event is ended

Painting of the 19th centuryArt Exhibitions in TriesteVan GoghMuseo RevoltellaTrieste

Van Gogh in Trieste
Vincent van Gogh, Il seminatore (Arles, 17-28 giugno 1888 circa; olio su tela, 64,2 × 80,3 cm; Otterlo, Kröller-Müller Museum)

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After the 600,000 visitors in Rome, the major exhibition on Vincent Van Gogh arrives in Trieste at the Revoltella Museum. The exhibition will be further enriched by two exceptional guests, exhibited together for the first time: Monsieur and Madame Ginoux (better known as the Arlesians), iconic works reuniting in Trieste after 134 years.

From February 22nd to June 30th, 2024, the Municipality of Trieste and Arthemisia present an extraordinary exhibition dedicated to the most beloved artist of all time, Vincent Van Gogh.

The exhibition will be further enriched by a special presence: the two portraits of Monsieur and Madame Ginoux (the owners of the café in Arles frequented by Van Gogh), created in 1890, one of which is housed in the Kröller Müller Museum – lender of almost all the works in the exhibition – and the other at the Galleria Nazionale in Rome. On the occasion of the Trieste exhibition, the two spouses, friends and portraits by Van Gogh, will meet again and be able to be close once more.

In the exhibition in Trieste – curated by Maria Teresa Benedetti and Francesca Villanti and realized in collaboration with the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo – over 50 masterpieces by Van Gogh will be displayed, with a selection of works from the prestigious Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, which houses one of the largest collections of the artist's works.

The exhibition aims to document the entire artistic journey of the painter, starting from his passionate relationship with the dark landscapes of his youth, continuing with drawings and oils dedicated to the theme of weavers, to the works of his Parisian stay, depicting the landscape and moments of the artist's social life, and finally to the last paintings of St. Remy and Auvers-Sur-Oise, where he ended his troubled life.... read the rest of the article»

The exhibition will also be enriched with extensive educational materials, videos, immersive and scenic rooms, and much more.

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Title: Van Gogh in Trieste

Opening: February 22, 2024

Ending: June 30, 2024

Organization: Comune di Trieste di Trieste, Arthemisia e Museo Kröller-Müller di Otterlo

Curator: Maria Teresa Benedetti e Francesca Villanti

Place: Trieste, Museo Revoltella

Address: Via Armando Diaz, 27 - 34123 Trieste

Opening hours: every day, except Tuesday (closing day), from 9 AM to 7 PM. Extraordinary openings: March 31st from 9 AM to 7 PM, Monday, April 1st from 9 AM to 7 PM, Thursday, April 25th from 9 AM to 7 PM, Wednesday, May 1st from 9 AM to 7 PM, Sunday, June 2nd from 9 AM to 7 PM.

Tickets: Full price €17.50 | reduced from €8.50 to €15.50 including presale rights (audioguide included) | Reduced €15.50 for over 65, ages 12-18, and other categories | Reduced €8.50 for children aged 6-11 | Free for children under 6 and other categories.

For information: +39 040 675 4350 | +39 040 675 4158 |

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