Vincent van Gogh


Van Gogh in Trieste

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Painting of the 19th centuryexhibitions Trieste

Van Gogh in Trieste

From February 22nd to June 30th, 2024, a major exhibition on Vincent Van Gogh arrives in Trieste at the Revoltella Museum, featuring over 50 of his masterpieces.

February 22, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Friuli Venezia Giulia


Multimedia exhibitionexhibitions Parma

Van Gogh Multimedia and the secret room

From January 27th to June 23rd, 2024, in Parma, the exhibition 'Van Gogh Multimedia and the Secret Room' takes place at Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati.

January 27, 2024 - June 23, 2024

Emilia Romagna


evento concluso

Contemporary artexhibitions Milano

Vincent van Gogh. Pittore colto

With the exhibition Vincent van Gogh. Cultured painter, the MUDEC in Milan wants to overturn the perspective of the stereotype of Van Gogh, who was a painter but also an extremely cultured intellectual.

September 21, 2023 - January 28, 2024



evento concluso

Digital Art Experienceevents Napoli

Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience in Naples

The multimedia exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh arrives in Naples. From 2 January 2023 Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience will allow you to explore and deepen the works of the great Dutch painter.

January 02, 2023 - January 06, 2024



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