Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience in Naples

  • When:   January 02, 2023 - January 06, 2024
  • this event is ended

Digital Art ExperienceEvents and art exhibitions in NapoliVan GoghNapoli

Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience in Naples

The multimedia exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh arrives in Naples. From 2 January 2023 Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience will allow you to explore and deepen the works of the great Dutch painter.

The location of the exhibition is the Church of San Potito. The Van Gogh Immersive experience transforms the entire museum space of the church into a multiple experience, in which the work is confronted with its drawing.

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Title: Van Gogh - The Immersive Experience in Naples

Opening: January 02, 2023

Ending: January 06, 2024

Organization: Exhibition Hub, Fever

Place: Napoli, Chiesa di San Potito

Address: Via Salvatore Tommasi, 1 - Napoli (NA)

Opening time
Monday to Sunday: 10.00am - 8.00pm (last ticket at 7.00pm)
Wednesday closed

Price: €10 adults | €8 children

More info on this website:

Facebook: vangogh.experience