Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

From Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 19
Last admission 45 minutes before closing
Adults: € 10.00
Reduced ticket: € 5.00
Reduced ticket: € 2.00 (EU citizens aged between 18 and 25)

Indirizzo: Viale Belle Arti, 131 - 00196 Roma

Tel: +39 06 32298221


Over three thousand works belong to the collection of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale: paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings that constitute a precious heritage for the history of collecting and artistic culture in Rome in the late nineteenth century and along the first half of the Twentieth century.
The works come from successive and continuous purchases made by the Municipality of Rome at the most important national exhibitions and from private donations which in some cases have increased the collection with substantial funds from the same artist.

The presence of those, which the scientific community has defined as masterpieces of Italian artists between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, make the collection emblematic and significant: among the most representative names, for the nineteenth century, we remember Giulio Aristide Sartorio, Nino Costa, Onorato Carlandi, and generally the painters of I XXV of the Roman Campagna, but again, Adolfo De Carolis, Angelo Morbelli, Adolf Hirémy Hirschl; among the sculptors active in the same period, the testimonies, following substantial donations, of Vincenzo Gemito and Ettore Ximenes are important. For the twentieth century the figurative culture of divisionism is widely documented with works by Armando Spadini, Camillo Innocenti, Arturo Noci, Giacomo Balla but the collection finds the greatest resonance with the works of the thirties and artists such as Scipione, Mario Mafai, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Emanuele Cavalli, documenting the particular historical-artistic moment known as the Roman School with examples of great importance.

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