Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: 12.00 - 20.00
Friday and Saturday: 12.00 - 22.00
Monday closed
Last admission 30 minutes before closing

Indirizzo: Via Nizza 138 - 00198 Roma

Tel: +39 06 696271


MACRO, museum of the Musei in Comune system of the Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage, is now considered a point of reference for contemporary public art in Rome.

This heritage, although far from representing all the authors and artistic currents of contemporary art, nevertheless contains a nucleus of works of great value and interest such as those of Mimmo Rotella, Ettore Colla, Gastone Novelli, Tano Festa, Leoncillo, Titina Maselli for the 1960s. From the 1970s, the most significant are sculptures, such as those by Nicola Carrino or Lorenzo Guerrini. The 1980s, not present in the collection, however, record a work that testifies to the original research of Maria Lai. On the contrary, the 90s, having received lymph above all from the acquisitions of Lavori in Corso, are very well represented. As it was intended, the works are all by artists from Rome or from the Roman area: Dorazio, Castellani, Fioroni, Mauri, Uncini, Montessori, Baruchello, Giovannoni, Asdrubali, Dessì, Cucchi and Accardi, to which the two Sottilissime di Pietro Consagra, entered the collection only in 2010.

The most recent presences of the 21st century reflect the policy of openness undertaken in the last decade towards the international scenario and the younger generations. Very varied works from the expressive point of view renew and contaminate the research in the various techniques. For the sculpture we highlight the Column by Giovanni Albanese, the Dogs of Velasco Vitali, the pressed paper works by Arcangelo Sassolino and Waiting for Godot by the internationally renowned artist Marc Quinn. For photography Carlo Benvenuto, Michael Rovner, Luigi Ontani and Alfredo Jaar with his light boxes or the photographs of performers such as Sissi and Guendalina Salini. Among the installations, the works of Nemanja Cvjanovic and Massimo Bartolini are worthy of note. The variety of the latest acquisitions is also represented by the great wax works by Domenico Bianchi and Alessandro Piangiamore, by the video installations by Sara Ciracì, Avish Kkebrehzadeh and Alessandra Tesi, or by the neon lights of Claire Fontaine, Junod Ponsard and Arthur Duff, the last two in permanent exhibition.

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