MAXXI - Museo Nazionale delle arti del XXI Secolo

Tuesday to Sunday 11am - 7pm / Saturday and Sunday 11am - 8pm / Monday closed
Full: € 12 / Reduced: € 9

Indirizzo: Via Guido Reni, 4a - 00196 Roma

Tel: +39 06 3201954

MAXXI represents the awareness of how important it is to promote the expressions of creativity of today in a country, like Italy, characterized by centuries of primacy in the artistic and architectural field.

The aesthetic tensions of our time are, in fact, the extension of the artistic and cultural expressions of past eras, albeit with radically different forms of expression.
MAXXI's mission is therefore to promote and develop the sense of this continuity by projecting it towards the future. MAXXI intends to be not only a venue for exhibiting the works of art of our century, but also a place of cultural innovation and overlapping of languages, a laboratory for artistic experimentation, a machine for the production of aesthetic contents of our time.
MAXXI aims to be a center of excellence, an interactive hub in which the most diverse forms of expression, productivity and creation will converge and can be mixed and reproduced.
Art also has the important function of being a means of communication. Art is an iconic and symbolic language and therefore has a higher comprehensibility than that of spoken or written language. It is therefore evident that the immediacy and universality of artistic communication can contribute to the understanding of otherwise alien and potentially conflicting worlds and cultures, favoring the coexistence of differences.
And finally, art and architecture are essential components of the image and perception of a country abroad. MAXXI therefore wants to be a sort of antenna that transmits the contents of Italy to the outside and which in turn receives the flows of international culture from the outside.

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