Luigi Ontani


evento concluso

Contemporary artexhibitions Verona

The Sacred in art. A selection of works from the Cattelani Collection

From Saturday 20 November 2021 to Friday 7 January 2022 the Miniscalchi-Erizzo Museum hosts the contemporary art exhibition "The Sacred in Art. A selection of works from the Cattelani Collection ”, where the works of artists...

November 20, 2021 - January 07, 2022



evento concluso

Contemporary artexhibitions Torino

Luigi Ontani. Alam Jiwa & Vanitas

For the first time, the GAM in Turin is dedicating its space called the Wunderkammer to the exhibition of contemporary works, and perhaps no other artist could have done more than Luigi Ontani to restore the many original...

November 03, 2021 - January 30, 2022



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