

evento concluso

Modern art Contemporary art Painting of the 20th century exhibitions Trento

Botticelli. Il suo tempo. E il nostro tempo

The Botticelli exhibition can be visited at the Mart from 22 May to 29 August 2021. Its time. It is our time. The undisputed protagonist of "his time and our time" is Sandro Botticelli present in Rovereto with a significant...

May 22, 2021 - August 29, 2021

Trentino Alto Adige


evento concluso

Painting of the 20th century exhibitions Trento

Picasso, de Chirico e Dalí. Dialogo con Raffaello

At the Mart in Rovereto (TN) from 2 May to 29 August 2021 the first exhibition dedicated to the influence that Raffaello Sanzio had on: Picasso, de Chirico and Dalí. 100 masterpieces make up a path in which ancient and...

May 02, 2021 - August 29, 2021

Trentino Alto Adige


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