
6 Must-See Exhibitions for Painting Enthusiasts

From de Chirico to the Macchiaioli, from 'French Moderns' featuring Monet and Matisse to Hayez and Romantic painting, from Chagall to Vincent van Gogh, the desire for great painting never fades!
Jules Breton, La fine della giornata lavorativa, 1886-87, Olio su tela, 84x120cm, Brooklyn Museum, dono di Mrs Edward S. Harkness, 35.867

While awaiting new major exhibitions scheduled for 2024, here are some of the exhibitions featuring prominent painters from the 19th and 20th centuries in the history of art that should not be missed, for those who have not yet had the chance to visit them.

1. Da Monet a Matisse. French Moderns 1850–1950

Let's start with Padua and one of its flagship exhibition venues, Palazzo Zabarella, to highlight the exhibition inaugurated last December and open for visits until May 12, 2024. You will find works from the Brooklyn Museum in New York by major artists of the time such as Morisot, Pierre Bonnard, William Bouguereau, Gustave Caillebotte, Paul Cézanne, Marc Chagall, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Gustave Courbet, Edgar Degas, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Gabriele Münter, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Odilon Redon, Yves Tanguy, Édouard Vuillard, and others.

Da Monet a Matisse. French Moderns 1850–1950 presents 59 works, with an exhibition path divided into four sections - Still Life, Landscape, Nude and Portraits, and Figures. Given the number of works, visitors can explore each section with the right attention. Noteworthy is the presence of an extraordinary portrait of a woman by Giovanni Boldini, a great interpreter of the international society of the time and a painter of Parisian glamour and women's fashion.

Watch our 90-second video report.

2. Vincent van Gogh. Pittore colto

While waiting to visit the exhibition scheduled in Trieste from February 22, 2024, let's talk about Vincent van Gogh. Pittore colto, still on display for a few more days, until January 28, 2024, in Milan, specifically at the MUDEC - Museum of Cultures.

Van Gogh al MUDEC

Vincent van Gogh. Interno di un ristorante, 1887. Olio su tela. Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo... read the rest of the article»

The exhibition narrates the artistic and intellectual life of Van Gogh in a succession that follows a chronological thread. Four fundamental historical phases mark the artist's life: from the first period 1880-1885 (in Borinage, The Hague, and Nuenen) to his Parisian stay in 1886-1887, from the Arles period in 1888-89 to the period of internment at the hospital in Saint-Rémy.

The perspective chosen by the curators aims to challenge the Van Gogh stereotype, presenting Vincent van Gogh as less of an outsider and surprisingly well-versed in the cultural debate of his time: an avid reader and collector of prints, as well as a keen observer of the most current artistic trends.

The exhibition path is enriched by an audiovisual work curated by Karmachina. An immersive room, where a composition of open books invites the visitor to enter Van Gogh's mind, into his universe of literary and artistic suggestions and inspirations.

3. I Macchiaioli

Just inaugurated, the exhibition "I Macchiaioli" at Palazzo Martinengo in Brescia showcases over 100 masterpieces by artists such as Fattori, Lega, Signorini, Cabianca, and others from that group of young painters who revolutionized the art world in Florence in the late 19th century. They gave rise to one of the most original and innovative European art avant-gardes of the 19th century.

I Macchiaioli a Brescia

Odoardo Borrani, Le cucitrici di camicie rosse, 1863. Collezione-privata

An exhibition, open until June 9, truly unmissable for those who love painting from the second half of the 19th century, featuring absolute masterpieces such as 'The Shirt Makers' by Borrani, 'Hay Harvest in Maremma' by Fattori, 'The Betrothed' by Lega, and 'Pascoli in Castiglioncello' by Signorini. The exhibition is divided into 10 sections that narrate the exciting adventure of these progressive painters, eager to distance themselves from the academic institution in which they were trained.

4. Hayez. L'officina del pittore romantico

We move to the GAM - Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Turin to highlight the exhibition dedicated to an extraordinary painter of the Romantic period, Francesco Hayez (Venezia 1791 - Milano 1882), open to the public until April 1st.

Hayez alla GAM di Torino

Francesco Hayez (Venezia, 1791 - Milano, 1882). Il consiglio alla vendetta, 1851. Olio su tela, cm. 237 x 178. Vienna, Sammlungen des Fuersten von Liechtenstein

The exhibition features over 100 works from prestigious public and private collections, complemented by some important paintings by the artist held at GAM. Among these are unpublished or rarely seen works, as well as significant masterpieces such as 'Meditation' from the Civic Museums of Verona - Modern Art Gallery Achille Forti and 'The Secret Accusation' from the Civic Museums of the Visconti Castle in Pavia, juxtaposed with 'The Council for Revenge,' a prestigious loan from Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna.

Inoltre, per la prima volta, la mostra mette in relazione i dipinti e i disegni dell'artista, che permettono di ricostruire e comprendere il suo processo creativo, accompagnandoci fino all'interno del suo atelier a ripercorrere l'intensa vicenda biografica e il percorso creativo dell'artista.

5. Giorgio de Chirico. Metafisica continua

Giorgio de Chirico non ha bisogno di alcuna presentazione, essendo stato uno degli artisti e pittori fondamentali del primo '900, per avere influenzato con la sua Metafisica diversi movimenti artisti successivi. La mostra "Giorgio de Chirico. Metafisica continua", a Palazzo Sarcinelli di Conegliano, resterà visitabile fino al 25 febbraio 2024 ed espone ben 71 opere dell'artista, con un'importante selezione di opere con quei soggetti che sono entrati nell'immaginario collettivo per l'intera storia dell'arte, come i Manichini senza volto e i Trovatori, le Piazze d'Italia i Gladiatori ed altri ancora.

de Chirico a Conegliano

Giorgio De Chirico: Le muse inquietanti, 1974, olio su tela, 50x65 cm, provenienza Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, © GIORGIO DE CHIRICO, by SIAE 2023-02-02

Un "grande classico" quindi, che riserva un ampio spazio alla stagione neometafisica (1965-1978 ca.) - di cui la Fondazione de Chirico possiede la più importante e completa collezione al mondo - in cui l'artista torna a elaborare i temi che popolavano le opere del primo periodo metafisico (1910-1918). Oltre a presentare i motivi più noti, i prestiti selezionati mettono in evidenza la gamma di tecniche in cui si è cimentato il maestropittura, disegno, acquerello, scultura e litografia

6. Chagall. Il colore dei sogni

Restiamo ancora in Veneto, con la terza mostra di questa piccola selezione visitabile nella regione, per dirigere a Mestre-Venezia, con una mostra "Chagall. Il colore dei sogni" promossa dalla Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia dedicata al grande pittore vissuto tra il 1887 e il 1985.

Chagall a Venezia

George Grosz: Natura morta con gatto e anatra, 1929, olio su cartone70x90cm. Ca' Pesaro - Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna

La mostra è allestita al Centro Culturale Candiani di Mestre fino al 13 febbraio 2024, e si articola in 6 sezioni, con un percorso espositivo concepito attorno ai capolavori conservati a Ca' Pesaro, tra cui dal Rabbino n. 2 o Rabbino di Vitebsk, 1914 – 1922, capolavoro conservato nelle raccolte di Ca' Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna e acquisito dal Comune di Venezia alla Biennale del 1928. A questi sono affiancati in ciascuna sezione importanti opere di Chagall provenienti da prestigiose collezioni internazionali, grazie ai prestiti dell'Albertina di Vienna, del Musée National Marc Chagall di Nizza, del Museum of Fine Arts di Budapest e dell'Israel Museum di Gerusalemme.

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Pubblicato il January 21, 2024
